Project Introduction: UNODC intends to outsource the activity “Rehabilitation services to the rescued persons who are subject to victims of trafficking”. The rehabilitation services will be provided by NGOS/Institutions who have already the functional shelter home. Each NGO will provide rehabilitation services to a minimum of 50 trafficked survivors, including at least 30 adult male trafficked victims and victims of forced labour recorded through documented case studies. The NGO will provide appropriate legal provisions through registering cases and professional counseling to the rescued persons, medical and psychiatric check-up and treatment, proper food & shelter during stay at shelter home and will undertake entrepreneurship development and economic empowerment program for the rescued victims. The NGOs will develop plans to showcase outstanding models of rehabilitation of rescued persons to enhance the protection and rehabilitation services for trafficked victim’s especially adult male and victims of forced labour.
Goal and Objective: To provide rehabilitation services to the rescued persons at the Shelter Home who are subject to Victims of Human trafficking.
Outputs⇒ Results⇒ Outcome:
Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients) Out of 50 victim of trafficking and forced labour including women, children and men, 30 are adult male.
Project Duration: 1st July 2013-30th June, 2014 Start date: 1st July, 2013 Financial partner (Donor): UNODC Implementing partner (if any): Dhaka Ahsania Mission Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Shelter Home, Jessore Budget with annual breakup: Total- 629,900 BDT, 1st installment-2,51,960 BDT, 2nd installment-188,970 BDT, Final Installment-188,970 BDT
Contact Person : Mr. Dewan Sohrab Uddin, Head of sector