Project Name: Sustainable Water Provision, Satkhira (SWAPS)
Project Introduction:
Kaliganj of Satkhira District is a poor and remote Upazilla, bordered by India to the west. Within Kaliganj, DakshinSreepur Union is among the poorest (c. 60% are classified as poor or extremely poor). This results in high levels of malnutrition, morbidity and mortality.
But one specific challenge faced by the target beneficiaries stands out above all else. The nearest safe drinking water source is located over 8km away.This means that people either have to incur significant financial cost if they take transport or opportunity cost (i.e. lost productive time) if they walk. In many cases, people simply rely on local unclean sources for their water, resulting in high levels of water borne disease.
Adding to the challenge is the fact that the local aquifer contains high levels of arsenic, salt and iron. This means that traditional deep tube well installations are inappropriate for the area.
There are very few government or NGO operations in the area, and the consequence is that the people of the area continue to have their economic poverty compounded by lack of potable water. It is the address of this particular challenge-the provision of safe drinking water-that they have highlighted to Dhaka Ahsania Mission staff in a need-assessment.
To ensure that the benefits of the proposed response are sustained beyond the life of the project it is important that local social capital is developed for ongoing plant management and to ensure that they link with markets and suppliers.Levels of awareness and practice of good hygiene behaviour in the target community are low.
Overall Objective:
Improve the wellbeing of people in DakkhinSreepur&Mothurespur Unions
Specific Objectives:
- To provide clean drinking water in two unions in south-western Bangladesh.
- Hygiene promotion activities will complement hardware provision, improving knowledge and practice among target beneficiaries.
- Lasting reduced incidence of mortality and morbidity due to water-borne disease
- Financially sustainable operation of the water plant, overseen by the Plant Management Committee
- Improved hygiene practice among targeted beneficiaries
Project Components:WASH, Water Treatment plant install, Hygiene promotion, Advocacy & water marketing.
- Major Activities: Vendor seeking and selection through Open Tender Method process
- Installation of 3 Arsenic, saline and Iron removal plant
- Establish 3 electricity connection to plant
- Develop 3 waste water management point for the plant;
- Training of 6 persons in hardware management committee.
- Training and mentoring provided to the Plant Management Committee
- Develop one-time market linkage with local entrepreneur(s) and other commercial points for water business
- Facilitation of 27 awareness sessions on water safety
- Facilitation of 27 hygiene promotion including handwashing demonstration
Project Participants (Direct):
Children(0-10) |
Adolescent(11-17) |
Youth(18-25) |
Adult(26-60) |
Senior Citizen(61+) |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
76 |
132 |
97 |
113 |
89 |
76 |
102 |
144 |
63 |
46 |
Project Duration:15 months (01 October 2019 to 31 December 2020)
Financial partner (Donor):Dhaka Ahsania Mission UK
Implementing partner (if any):
Project Location/s and number of Field offices:DakshinSreepur Union, Kaliganj, Satkhira
Project Budget:BDT 61,95,573.00
Number of project staffs and volunteers:
Staff (Regular) |
Paid Volunteer |
Non-Paid Volunteer |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
3 |
1 |
Contact Person:
Name & Designation: Md. Akter Hossain, Project Manager, Cell: +8801710684959