
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)


Dhaka Ahsania Mission as a leading national NGO has been operating pro-poor education program for a long period and have significant contribution in formal and non-formal education. DAM has made significant contribution in the improvement of curriculum, strategy and engagement of different stakeholders in Education sectors. DAM is advocating a long term sustainable and flexible approach in which the drop out and out of school children will get second chance to fulfill their Education rights. The sectoral strategy document on Education both in formal and non formal sector. Good governance provides constitutional and logical framework that support Education for All (EFA).

The Strengthening Good Governance in Primary Schools (SGGPS-MJF) in Bangladesh to ensure quality education project will identify and address the issues causing poor governance resulting low quality performance in primary schools. It will undertake a facilitative process of intervention in the areas to overcome the problems. So that a community led responsive and accountable education management system can come up to deliver the quality primary education. The SGGPS-MJF project will also address the issues e. g. pedagogic issues, community apathy to education, increasing role of LGIs of improve education and create an enabling environment are imperative for ensuring enrollment, retention and quality education in primary schools. Overall objective of SGGPS-MJF project is to establish a community led learning environment in the primary schools in the selected hard to reach areas of Bangladesh for good governance and quality education.

Project Objective:

Active participation of community and other stakeholders in good governance of primary

Education system is achieved in the project areas.


Establish a community led learning environment in the primary schools in the selected hard to reach areas of Bangladesh for good governance and quality education.


    1. Enrollment and retention of the children excluded for different reasons will be increased.
    2. Parents, community and other stakeholders will be sensitized and would play supportive role for good governance and quality Education.
    3. Proactive roles and monitoring capacities of institutions such as CBOs, UPs, Schools, SMCs, PTAs, UP standing committees on education and UZs will be increased for responsive school governance towards quality education.
    4. Alliance and networking at local level and those are linked with regional and central level will be established for integration and replication.
    5. Slow learners of the schools will be on fast track with better performance 6. Lessons learned documented and disseminated for further advocacy.

Who the Project will serve:

The project is expected to benefit the following direct and indirect stakeholders:

  1. School students: 4000
  2. Schools: 29 government primary schools and 19 registered primary schools.
  3. 36 management committee and similar number PTA.
  4. At least 90 teachers from the primary schools.
  5. Approximate 20,000 community people.


Project Duration:    3 Years (From April 2010 to March 2013)


Start date: From April 2010.


Financial Partner (Donor):       Manusher Jonno Foundation


Project Location and number of field office: Upazila: Dharmpasha, District: Sunamgonj (This project is implementing only Dharmapasha Upzilla. We have no another field office.)
Budget with annual break up:  Enclosed hare with an extra sheet.
Number of project staffs and volunteers: Staff: 12 & volunteers- 126.


Contact Person   : Md. Shafiqur Rahman Biswas (Sobuj), Project Coordinator

Email                      :,
Cell                         :  01671777277