Project Name: Second Chance Education (SCE) Project
1. Project Introduction:
Giving the children an opportunity for education who have never enrolled in primary school or dropped out from school, the Government of Bangladesh through DPE under PEDP-III, MoPME has undertaken Second Chance Education (SCE) Programme. Total 1 lac children from 37 Upazilas/ Thanas of 6 Districts will be covered throughout this pilot project between July 2017 and June 2018 via a Joint Venture Partnership (JVPs) with 3 major actors including BRAC, Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) and Save the Children in Bangladesh (SCiB).
As part of this process, for DAM’s part, a total of 666 community based Children Learning Centers (CLC) will be organized to provide NFPE under national curriculum. Total 20,000 never enrolled or dropped out children of 8-14 age groups from marginalized and excluded community will be covered in this project. Four urban areas i.e. Mohammadpur, Badda, Cantonment & Mirpur of Dhaka North City Corporation and four rural areas i.e. Karimganj-1, Karimganj-2, Nikli & Tarail of Kishoreganj District will be covered under SCE project.
Aim of the project is to create second chance and to complete primary education for the targeted children by applying Multi Grade Teaching Learning (MGTL) with 5 Steps Principle model of DAM.
2. Project Agreement Number: SCI SOF 84004382 (Sub Award ID 09807)
3. Overall Objective:
To create second chance to complete primary education for the children who are out of school (never enrolled or dropped out) for any reasons through flexible learning strategies.
4. Specific Objectives:
- Access to cost-effective non-formal basic education of hardest to reach children in targeted communities is increased.
- 20,000 children succeed in schools through improved efficiency and quality of basic education services.
- Collaboration between the formal and non-formal primary education to promote sharing and learning of best practices increased.
5. Outputs:
Result 1: Access to cost-effective non-formal basic education of out of school children in targeted communities is increased.
Result 2: 20,000 children succeed in schools through improved efficiency and quality of basic education services.
Result 3: Collaboration between the formal and non-formal primary education to promote sharing and learning of best practices increased.
5. Project Components: Non Formal Primary Education
6. Major Activities:
Internal staff recruitment; induction of staff members; organize project offices at central, regional and area level; procurement and equipment, selection of CLC location (rural & urban); conduction of baseline survey; selection of learners & teachers; supply of teaching learning materials; launching of CLCs; capacity building of staff; project progress review meetings; developing contextually appropriate learning materials; community engagement/mobilization/monitoring; learners’ assessment; publications/documentation; engagement & capacity building of local committees; exposure visits of stakeholders (GO-NGO, CBOs, GPS, CLC learners etc.); participatory monitoring, reporting, documentation and dissemination; progress review/follow up by GO officials; JV meeting with PIC-SCE partners-DAM; learning sharing meeting at Upazila and national level; livelihood linkage meetings with parents; media campaign at local level; fund management; final reporting and project evaluation.
8. Project Participants (Direct):
Children(8-14) |
Adolescent(11-17) |
Youth(18-25) |
Adult(26-60) |
Senior Citizen(61+) |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
8000 |
12000 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
26096 |
39144 |
– |
– |
9. Project Duration:
First phase from 1 July 2017 and continue up to 30 June 2018. It is expected that second phase will start from 1 July 2018.
10. Financial partner (Donor): PEDP 3, DPE, MoPME
11. Implementing partner (if any): N/A
12. Project Location/s and Number of Field Offices:
District | Area Location | # of CLCs | # of Children (direct) | # of Adult (indirect) | Offices |
Kishoreganj | Karimganj-1, Karimganj-2, Tarail and Nikli | 333 | 10000 | 33025 | 1 Region Office with 4 Area Offices |
Dhaka (North City Corporation) |
Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Badda and Cantonment | 333 | 10000 | 32215 | 1 Region Office with 4 Area Offices |
Total | 8 Areas | 666 | 20000 | 65240 | 2 Region Offices with 8 Area Offices under 1 Central Office |
13. Project Budget: Rural: 63,957,666 BDT; Urban: 77,484,296 BDT; Total: 141,441,962 BDT
14. Number of project staffs and volunteers :
Staff (Regular) |
Paid Volunteer |
Non-Paid Volunteer |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
87 |
17 |
7 |
659 |
0 |
0 |
15. Contact Person:
Name & Designation: Md. Modasser Hossain Masum
Project Manager, Second Chance Education Project
Cell: 01937130005
- Maximum two page document
- 10 font Arial narrow
- Single space
- Narration form
- No picture