Project Introduction: According to the Humanitarian Vision of Oxfam, all priority-1 countries, with the support of the regional center, will have the capacity to deliver all Category 3 and most Category 2 responses using their own resources. Bangladesh is a priority-1 countryand is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world facing disasters annually due to its geo-morphological nature and high vulnerability. In the last 10 years Bangladesh has experienced three Category 2 disasters (flood of 2004; flood of 2007; and cyclone Sidr of 2007) and two Category 3 disasters (flood of 2006; and cyclone Aila of 2009). On an average, Bangladesh experiences a Category 2 disaster every two or three years and a Category 3 disaster every year.As the Oxfam Single Management Structure (SMS) is progressing, four Oxfam affiliates– Oxfam Great Britain (OGB), Oxfam Netherlands (ON), Oxfam Australia (OAus) and Oxfam Hong Kong (OHK)- has come together and developed the Joint Country Analysis and Strategy (JCAS) for effective emergency response. As part of capacity development process, Dhaka Ahsania Mission will get the opportunity to have effective response capacity.Goal and Objective: Main purpose of the project To contribute to measurable improvements in the living conditions of disaster affected men, women and children in Bangladesh. To ensure an effective and efficient response to the particular needs of women, men, children and other socially excluded marginalized and vulnerable groups. Outputs→ Results→ Outcome: Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients) 20 strategic partners including Dhaka Ahsania Mission are in the process of being selected for this project. A primary list of strategically selected partners was made on the basis of the following criteria and their emergency capacity was reviewed, documented and shared with each respective partner.
The project will directly work with 5,000 households or 25,500 persons living in the most vulnerable and disaster-prone areas of Dewangong Upazilla of Jamalpur District. These beneficiary figures are on the higher side because of the mass awareness activities planned under information, education and communication and local disaster management sector. The direct beneficiaries are those communities and institutions in geographic areas targeted due to their extreme vulnerability to earthquakes, floods and river-erosion. In these areas, special consideration has been given to socially excluded and marginalized community members who are most vulnerable to disasters. Project Beneficiaries:
Project Duration: 01 July 2011 – 30 June 2014 (03 years) Start date: 1st July’2011 Financial partner (Donor): Oxfam, GB Project Location/s and number of Field offices:
Budget with annual breakup: July’12 to June’13: BDT – 1,905,224/= Number of project staffs and volunteers : Project Staffs: 06 Nos ; Volunteers: 280 Contact Person : Md. Jahangir Alam, Coordinator, DMU |