Project Introduction:The Maternal and Young Child Nutrition Security Initiative (MYCNSI) Project is a joint collaborative effort of Directorate General of Family Planning and UNICEF. The project is implementing at Kaligonj, Assasuni, Shyamnagar and Debhata upazilla in Satkhira district. This is a three years project of UNICEF, funded by European Union, which was started from March 2012. The project is implementing by Dhaka Ahsania Mission with the partnership of CARE Bangladesh at field level. The overall goal of the project is to reduce stunting among young children (0-36months) by 5 percentage points and anaemia in young children (0-23months) and pregnant women by one-third. 16425 pregnant & lactating mothers, 77529 children below 36 months of age are the primary beneficiaries of the project. A total of 1095035 secondary beneficiaries will also be covered during the project period. Project will be implemented through the active involvement of Community Facilitators and Community Health & Nutrition Volunteers, union level MOH&FW staffs. All interventions of the project will be implemented through community clinic. FWA is assigned for distributing MNP, IYCF counseling, PNGOs will create demand in the community for health services and will conduct home counseling on IYCF. MNP supplementation, IYCF counseling, behavior change communication, hygiene promotion, screening of sick and malnourished children, community mobilization are the major interventions of the project to address the nutrition multi-sectorally.
Goal and Objective:
Stunting among young children (0-36 months) will be reduced by 5 percentage points, and anaemia in young children (0-23 months) and pregnant women will be reduced by one-third
Specific objectives
At the community level:
- Strengthen the capacity of community clinic management committee to address nutrition multi-sectorally
- Conduct home counselling and peers support groups on maternal nutrition, infant and young child feeding, hygiene and care practices
- Promote and raise awareness on treatment of maternal and infant and young child anaemia
- Community treatment of uncomplicated cases of severe acute malnutrition
- Implement the behaviour change communication strategy
Outputsà Resultsà Outcome:
Outputs |
- Stunting and anaemia objectives reflected in NGO activities
- Integrated IYCF action plans in place and endorsed by all stakeholders
- Training materials rolled-out
- MUAC tapes available with staff and volunteers
- Nutrition Treatment available to community-based SAM case
- IEC materials available in community and household
- Gaps in health service and needs identified and addressed through appropriate channels
- Master trainers with skills to implement training
- Supervisors capable of providing support
- Workers/volunteers with skills to implement the package
- Volunteers undergo 1 day/mth refresher training
- Supportive supervision completed at all levels
- Peer support groups and household counseling active at community level
- Sick children referred
- Uncomplicated SAM cases treated in community
- “Tippy-tap” set up in homes, community and community-based institutions
- IEC material visible in community/Household
- Planned advocacy events attended by targeted stakeholders
- Planned mass media implemented
- Targeted caregivers reached with mass media messages on the package
- UP HH enrolled in safety net and social protection programs.
– 80% NGO activities have nutrition objective(s) by 2013- 90% Community clinics have an integrated action plan by 2014
– 100% Master trainers score 100% or more on post-test by 2012
– 90% supervisor score 85% or more on competency skills based assessment by 2014
– 90% workers/ volunteers pass supervisory assessment
– 90% volunteers attended monthly refresher trainings
– 70% peer support groups meeting on a monthly basis by 2013
– 90% target household receive counselling on a monthly basis by 2013
– 70% uncomplicated SAM cases treated in community
– 90% target household with tippy-tap by 2012
– 100% campaign have IEC materials visible in the community
– 90% planned advocacy events conducted
– 90% planned mass media campaign conducted
70% of peer support groups able to recall on messages from the last mass media campaign
– 100% identified ultra- poor households enrolled in an appropriate safety net or social protection programs. |
IYCF Breastfeeding
- Early Initiation of BF
- Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months
- Continued breastfeeding to 1 year
- Continued breastfeeding to 2 years
Complementary feeding
- Introduction of solid, semi-solid and soft foods, 6-8 months
- Minimum dietary diversity , 6-23 months
- Minimum meal frequency 6-23 months
- Minimum acceptable diet, 6-23 months
- Consumption of iron-rich (or iron-fortified) foods, 6-23 months
- Individual diet diversity, 24-35 months
Consumption of animal products, 6-35 months
Improved Iron/MN Intake
Utilization of MNPs |
Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)
The project will serve 16425 pregnant & lactating mothers, 77529 children below 36 months of age and 1095035 secondary beneficiaries (Fathers, grandmothers, in-laws and other caregivers, community clinic management committee and community).
Project Duration: 20.05 months (01 March, 2012 to 15 November, 2013)
Start date: March 01, 2012
Financial partner (Donor): UNICEF and European Union
Implementing partner (if any): Dhaka Ahsania Mission and CARE Bangladesh
Project Location/s and number of Field offices:
Kaligonj, Assasuni, Shyamnagar and Debhata upazillas of Satkhira district.
Number of field office: 01 (Hospital road, Kaligonj, Satkhira)
Budget with annual breakup:
FY 2013-14: Tk. 573155.00
Number of project staffs and volunteers: Project staffs-45, Volunteers-960
Contact Person : Mr. Dewan Sohrab Uddin, Head of sector
E-mail :,
E-mail : Cell : 01712024697