Under the financial support from Society General- France Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been implementing 2nd phase of the project “Light of Life; A Change: LiLAC” project in partnership with CARE Bangladesh in Uttara area under Dhaka City Corporation and Gazipur City Corporation (Tongi area) under Gazipur district from June 2012 for covering 22 months period. CARE Bangladesh is also facilitating the external relation with the project counterparts. Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been established 2 community vocational training center in the catchments area. One center has been established at Uttara Model Town (sector 10) in July 2012 and another one VTC was established in January 2013 in Tongi area. As per the project plann the two centers will cover training for 1250 working children. Already training of 550 selected working children have been completed and training for 700 children is going on.Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been providing 3-months duration short time trade based basic training for development of professional competency of the working children. In addition technical training the project ensuring non-technical training like- life skill and career building. The trades are selected based on previous experience of 1st phase project and Dhaka Ahsania Mission experience and learners survey record. Also consultation with the parents and community committee, employers as well as considering the aspiration and aptitude of the learner’s through individual discussion.
The Selected Trades are:
Main activities:
Objectives: The specific objective of the project is to increase sustainable livelihood opportunity in formal economic sector through establishing their dignity and social inclusion especially for girls. The working children will have expand opportunities by developing marketable skills which improved their positions in the workplace, reduced vulnerability to exploitation, and exercised greater control over their lives. Technical & Vocational Skills Training, Non-Technical Skills Training (Life skill & Career building, Employment Support Services, Market Linkage, Production & Sales Center, Information Center Expected results:
Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients) Working children of 15 to 17 years old of the families who are engaged in daily labour, rickshaw puller, industry labour and house maids and community people of the project area will be given priority during selection. The girl children are also given preference to access in service. More than 50% girls will get benefits from the project. Project Duration: 22 months Start date: 01 June 2012 Financial partner (Donor): Society General through CARE France Supporting agency (if any): CARE Bangladesh Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Project office: House # 67, Flat- B, Road # 11, Sector # 10, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230 Contact Person : Md. Shahidul Islam, Team Leader, Education Sector E-mail : shahid@ahsaniamission.org.bd, shahid.dam@gmail.com, |