
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Project Name: Fight Slavery and Trafficking-In-Persons (FSTIP) Activity

Project Introduction: Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity worldwide and takes several forms: including exploitation of men, women and children into bonded or abusive labor or the commercial sex trade. TIP is one of the largest sources of illegal income globally. Trafficking violates basic human rights, damages lives, feeds corruption, exerts an economic toll on governments and citizens, and harms society at all levels.

The FSTIP, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented by Winrock International, will work in trafficking-prone districts to address the trafficking problem. This project provides robust interventions in one the USAID’s area of emphasis Protection. It connects local and national government representatives, non-governmental organizations, citizens and community leaders to prevent trafficking-in-persons, protect survivors and reverse damage done to them, prosecute the crimes of perpetrators, and engage at all levels of society as change agents in curbing the crime.

Project Agreement Number: 6998-22-A-03

Overall Objective: Ensure survivors have access to quality services for sustainable integration with protection, dignity and minimum standards of care & support services through referrals, advocacy, participation and partnership.

Specific Objectives:

  • TIP and child marriage survivors receive enhanced care and services by NGO and government service providers
  • Effective implementation of national minimum standard care policy and SOPs by governmental and NGO shelters.
  • Improved identification and referral mechanisms for survivors of internal and cross-border TIP and Child Marriage.
  • Strengthened survivor leadership and sustainability of ANIRBAN
  • Survivors and at-risk groups of TIP and CM linked to education, skills training, and alternative livelihood opportunities


  • 720 TIP and CM survivors received referrals, and direct protection assistance
  • Four (4) old referral directories are reviewed and updated through validation workshop and two (2) new directories are developed
  • 150 CM survivors received tailored protection and reintegration assistance
  • Liberty Shared-designed Victim Case Management System in place at working area
  • ANIRBAN members are oriented and practicing community and family counseling
  • 16 quarterly meeting for creating a feedback-based and survivor-centered service provision
  • ANIRBAN’s exposure increased, and survivors’ engagement enhanced to implement feedback-based services through consultation with ANIRBAN
  • Feedback collection from 130 survivors who received protection assistance from FSTIP for creating safe spaces for survivors to express their needs
  • 60 ANIRBAN and peer leader volunteers, need based CTC members and need based law enforcement members are oriented and identifying TIP victims in a sensitive and trauma-informed manner with the support of other component subqrantees
  • Conduct 1 victim identification workshop for ANIRBAN, peer leaders, CTC, CMPC, and GBV committee members, and law enforcement agencies with the support of other subqrantees
  • Include new members in existing ANIRBAN survivors’ group for strengthening its functionality and sustainability, formed new ANIRBAN group if needed in the new areas
  • Support to select 6survivors are compensated for their expertise as well as being hired as a consultant as advisors to the project
  • Select suitable ANIRBAN members for linking to the Survivor Alliance
  • 50 Successful livelihood reintegration support arranged in partnership with other donors, NGOs and existing programs
  • Livelihoods components within victim services formalized
  • 72 survivors supported with sustainable livelihoods from business or private organizations
  • 70 CM survivors received educational support and vocational training
  • Referral pathways from CTCs and CMPCs to GoB departments developed
  • Partnerships with like-minded government and non-government entities established and/or continued resulted in improved services for TIP and CM victims/survivors
  • 75 returned migrants due to COVID-19 pandemic supported by the partnership with WEWB,
  • COVID-19 informed protection services ensured for victims/survivors of TIP and CM in each shelter home

Project Components:  Survivors Service (Shelter, Food, Cloth, health, counseling, Hygiene, etc) *Developed & Review District Referral Directories, *Skill Training -Livelihood support *Education support *Victim identification workshop *New ANIRBAN group formation.

  • Minimum standards of care & support (TIP/CM)
  • Referral networking and partnership mechanism for the survivors
  • Sustainable livelihood for rehabilitation and reintegration
  • Capacity building of Anirban- The survivors own voice raising platform
  • Legal aid support
  • Review & upgradation of the referral directories
  • Educational support and vocational training for child-marriage survivors
  • Support for returned migrants (during COVID-19 pandemic)

Major Activities:

  • Development and implementation of a comprehensive plan on TIP and CM victims that is aimed to protect them through proper identification and referral to a functional mechanism where, law enforcement, members of ANIRBAN, peer leaders, CTCs, and like-minded organizations will identify victims/survivors and refer them to FSTIP supported subgrantee shelter homes.
  • Develop and revitalize referral directories to provide comprehensive support to survivors;
  • Provide protection assistance to survivors of CM and TIP.
  • Implement Victim Case Management System (VCMS) for all trafficking victims to meet their unique needs and fulfill their rights;
  • Expand the pool of trained trauma counselors.
  • Provide community and family counseling to support long-term reintegration;
  • Secure additional funding and in-kind contributions for survivor services and shelter homes.
  • Provide staff refreshers training on Minimum Care Standards.
  • Develop an animated video explaining the “dos” and “don’ts” of providing care to TIP and CM survivors.
  • Follow-up with survivors and collect feedback from them through in-person visits and from meetings with ANIRBAN and Peer Leaders to take necessary steps to address the issues raised by the survivors in their feedback;
  • Need-based support to consult with ANIRBAN on the design and socialization of direct survivor engagement that respects individual experiences and creates safe spaces for survivors to express their needs.
  • Improving the identification tools and capacities of CTC members, law enforcement, and peer volunteers.
  • Conduct victim identification workshops for ANIRBAN, peer leaders, CTC, CMPC, and GBV committee members, and law enforcement agencies.
  • DAM will strengthen referral linkages between Bangladesh service providers and their peers in destination countries
  • Training of ANIRBAN leaders on strategic planning and resource mobilization, as well as supporting registration of chapters with both DYD and DSS.
  • Recruit survivor consultants to share their lived insights during activity design
  • Identify and link potential ANIRBAN members to the Survivor Alliance.
  • Establish linkages for survivors and people at risk with livelihoods trainings, job placement services, and life skills and financial literacy through direct training or partnership with the private sectors and government departments.
  • train FSTIP sub-grantee partner personnel on how to deepen and formalize the livelihood components of their victim services and ensure connectivity to external programs and opportunities;
  • Expand outreach to business and private TTCs to provide FSTIP beneficiaries with job training in high-demand sectors and help identify reputable employers;
  • Provide private sector partners an orientation on trauma- informed approaches.
  • Connect CM survivors and at-risk girls to access educational grants and vocational training.
  • Capacitate the CTCs and the CMPCs to include livelihoods-support targets at the union and Upazila levels to help develop clear referral pathways
  • Facilitate referral of the survivors through networking and partnership mechanism:
  • Minimum standards of care & support (TIP/CM)
  • Sustainable livelihood for rehabilitation and reintegration:
  • Capacity building of ANIRBAN- The survivors own voice raising platforms.
  • Legal aid support:
  • Referral directories are review and update:
  • CM survivors received educational support and vocational training:
  • Returned migrants support due to COVID-19 pandemic:

Project Participants (Direct): [During Total Project Year)



TIP (Trafficking in Person) survivors/victim


TIP (Trafficking in Person) survivors/victim


Anirban voice group

1 Group

CTC (Counter trafficking committee)


GBV (Gender Base Violence) Committee

96 Committee

Returned migrant due to COVID’19 pandemic


Child Marriage Prevention Committee (CMPC)

96 Committee


Project Duration: 31 March, 2022 to 30 March, 2026

Financial partner (Donor): USAID & Winrock International.

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Jhenidah, Jahsore, Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat & Barishal,

Project Budget: 1,20,30,915

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer














Contact Person:
Name & Designation: M M Reza Latif, Project Coordinator
Email:, Cell : 01720518464