
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Project Introduction: 

The Early Childhood Development Support Program-Bangladesh (ECDSP-B) is a 6-year project designed to strengthen the capacity of ECD programming and to enhance the technical and organizational capacity of DAM and three partner NGOs working on ECD in Bangladesh. The project is being implemented with a view to improving the quality of ECD programs for the children of poor families, innovating quality improvements in those programs and changing the way the partner organizations operate. DAM has been implementing the ECDSP-B Project through partnership with a number of three local organizations which are called as Secondary Civil Society Organizations (SCSOs) in three Upazilas of Barguna District since April 2008. The ECDSP-B project ensures proper environment for Physical & Motor Development, Personal & Social Development, Cognitive Development, Communication & Linguistic Development, Emotional Development and Values & Moral Development of children aged 0 to 6 years and prepares them for primary school through Child Development Centers (CDC/SBK) and Pre-schools. The program also improves the capacity of parents on child rearing through “Parenting” sessions which help the parents to build their children’s confidence, skill and abilities from early life.

Goal and Objective:

Goal: To contribute to the improved quality and delivery of services in education appropriate to the needs of the poor, particularly women and children, and to their increased access to these services.

Purpose: To strengthen NGO/CSO capacity to improve the quality of and access to early childhood development (ECD) service provision for poor children in Bangladesh.

Outputsà Resultsà Outcome:

Output Results(Measurable 2008 to 2014)

Outcome Results

(Measurable by or before 2014)


(Measurable by 2015)

    • New knowledge and skills within DAM, Phulki, FIVDB, and nine SCSO partners, related to capacity gaps identified in formalized organizational development self-assessments
Œ Sustained improvements in organizational capacity – including gender equity vision, strategy, and programming skill – of DAM, Phulki, FIVDB, and nine SCSO partners Increased equitable access to quality basic education through increased enrolment and improved retention of students, and reduced gender gaps between girls and boys
    • Strengthened ECD technical capacity within existing programs of DAM, Phulki, and FIVDB
2.1   Increased application of effective and innovative gender-sensitive ECD programming by nine SCSO partners   Expanded and effective ECD program delivery by DAM, Phulki, and FIVDB, and nine SCSO partners, to poor families, particularly to women and children
    • Innovative ECD models developed and implemented by PCSOs
3.1 Strengthened ECD networking and advocacy through events and products where gender equality considerations are integrated Ž Improved CSO and GoB knowledge and application of sound ECD policies and practice.
3.2   Strengthened professional capacity for men and women at IED-BRACU and within GoB
Project Period : April 2008 to March 2014 (Ext. September 2014)
Donor : Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Contact Person : Abdur Rakib, Project Manager,
E-mail :,
Cell : 01758-939678