Project Introduction: Dhaka City has an influx of immigrants from rural areas who live in slums; Slum dwellers are illiterate which severely limits opportunity for viable employment. Their children engage in high risk and unregulated occupations where, driven by ignorance of rights and a sense of powerlessness, Become victims of exploitation and violence. Families become disintegrated, the children left uncared for and many of these children have to find streets as their place to live, work and survive. They are excluded from any educational opportunities. Their jobs are often hazardous; these children often become victims of sexual exploitation, human trafficking and drug abuse.
DAM implemented a five year project “Urban Community Learning Centers” with the financial support of Comic Relief (UK) from 2006. During selection of learners for UCLC, it was observed that a significant number of children lives and working on the street who are known as street working children. DAM made the plan to start with just one DIC as an innovation and a real experiment to gain lessons towards a wide-ranged longer term intervention in future.
The new accommodation for the DIC offers better facilities for toilet, washing, rest and sleeping, cooked food, health care, literacy and awareness raising education, safety and rights, vocational and life skills training followed by placing the children in suitable jobs or encouraging self employment. Link and support to children’s families is offered to the enrolled children where possible. Special counseling, motivation and other support services are provided for families. In the whole process, work with parents/guardians, especially mothers and orders siblings, is critical in helping children avoid hazardous work and dangerous situation and to give real, practical long-term alternatives and aspirations.
01. Project Agreement Number: GR007-12598
02. Overall Objective: Build the self esteem among the street and working children to develop them responsible citizen
03. Specific Objectives:
- 1200 working and street children will be protected from indignity sexual and physical abuse
- Children withdrawn from hazardous job
- Children will be imparted basic education, life skill and vocational skill training
- A child safety zone will be established in targeted (1200) families and community.
- Communication and coordination will extended among service providing organizations
- Community capacity about child protection and safety will be enhanced.
- Capacity of the organizations working for under privileged children will be enhanced.
04. Outputs:
Change: 01 Street and working children and young people are supported in to non-hazardous livelihoods and have access to education and training.
Change: 02 Street and working children and young people have safe and secure living environments and healthier
Change: 03 Street and working children and young people and duty bearers (including parents/ guardians employer and civil society) have increased awareness of children and young peoples and participates in decision making process and and have influence over.
Change: 04 Capacity is built in DAM UK and DAM Bangladesh to support and develop the new work with street and working children and young people.
Project Components:
Three dimensional activities run by DIC:
- Community Outreach Activities
- Drop in centre base activity
- Linkage/Advocacy/Networking
05. Major Activities:
- Provided shelter of DIC enrolled children (Food, Education, Counseling, Recreation, Vocational Training)
- Awareness Program with children, Parents and Employer (DIC and Community)
- Advocacy Workshop
- Study Tour for Children
- Exposure Visit
06. Project Participants (Direct):
Children(0-10) | Adolescent(11-17) | Youth(18-25) | Adult(26-60) | Senior Citizen(61+) | |||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F |
82 | 69 | 71 | 117 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
07. Project Duration: July 2013-June 2018
08. Financial partner (Donor): DAM UK
09. Implementing partner (if any): N/A
10. Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Mohammadpur and Jatrabari
11. Project Budget: 1st year BDT- 88,57,228/– , 2nd year BDT-10710443/-, 3rd year BDT-11,361,613/-, 4th year-BDT11,552,588/-, 05th Year- 1,2 948886/- (Total BDT-5,54,30,758/-)
12. Number of project staffs and volunteers :
Staff (Regular) | Paid Volunteer | Non-Paid Volunteer | |||
M | F | M | F | M | F |
07 | 16 | – | – | 12 | 10 |
13. Contact Person: Mr. Md.Shahidul Islam, Team Leader
Email: ,
Cell : 01712549315
Web link: