
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Project Introduction:Bangladesh government is committed to provide highest level of health care services to all of its citizens, but majority (60%) of the people, especially the rural poor have limited access to heath care information and services. Maternal and neonatal mortality rates are still unacceptably high. More than 90% of the deliveries are conducted at home, mostly (87%) by unskilled birth attendants.The government has set community clinics (CC) in rural areas which are semi active and each CC will cover 6000 rural population. There is a plan of community led management committee to run the CC effectively. If these community centres can run as per their charter a positive change in the rural health, especially maternal and child health of the poor and marginalized people will be improved significantly. 

But the reality is the community people are not aware enough about the charter of these clinics, the Local Government representatives are not sufficiently involved in activating these centers, the service providers do not remain present as per their schedule. It is evident from the first phase of the project on strengthen the existing health service of Bangladesh.
Project Goal and objective:
Goal: To establish health rights of rural community through improving governance of community clinics, by increasing access to quality health services and reducing child and maternal mortality.


  • To improve quality, accessibility, availability and affordability of  health service delivery by strengthening the governance of the  54 community clinics management committee and 18 standing committee of the Union Parishad in selected  rural areas of Bangladesh
  • To aware community people, especially the women and other marginalised people on Community Clinics and its services especially on 3D i.e. Delay in access to information, Delay in reaching health care, and Delay in delivering health care in 18 unions of 9 upazila.
  • To document lessons learned and good practices to disseminate and
  • To conduct Lobby-advocacy jointly with other networks on TRIPS and to improve the quality of service delivery of CC to contribute to the MDG Goals 4 and 5.

Results, Outcome:


  • Capacity of management committee members and  service providers of community clinics in rural areas is enhanced and health service delivery is improved.
  • Community people, especially the women, minorities and adivashi people are aware on health service providing centers, citizen charter, Primary Health Care, 3 delays of pregnant women and right based issues.
  • Women and children health in project area is improved and MMR and child mortalities decreased
  • Capacity of 18 health standing committee of  local government, especially the Union parishad is enhanced and they are active in regular monitoring of CCs
  • 18 Citizens committee at community level are organized to play the role of watch dog of community clinics


Outcome: Capacity of CC management committee, service providers and Union standing committee will be improved, maternal mortality will be reduced.


Who the Project will Serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)

Adult Men-26379, Adult Women-27814, Girl Child-6708, Boys Child-6559, AG-4533, AB-5470.

Project Duration: 3 Years (1 March 2012 to 28 February 2015)

Start date: 1 March 2012.

Financial partner (Donor): Cordaid the Netherlands

Implementing partner (if any): DAM, DORP, RDRS, ADD, CUB, SPD, PHREB, VARD and VERC.

Project Locations and number of field offices:

  • Location:  UP- Natima, Jadabpur. UZ- Mohespur, Dist- Zhenaidah.
  • field offices:  01

Budget with annual breakup:  Total budget 550400

Number of Project staffs and Volunteers:

    • Project staffs: FF-02 and central Focal person-01
    • Volunteers: 06 Support groups, 66 Members, Female-30, Male-36.

Contact Person   : A,R,M Sharif Hossain, Focal Person, Safe Motherhood project

E-mail                     :
Cell                          : 01817543097