
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Project Introduction:
The Community Managed Water and Sanitation Project had been lunched with the objective to improve the health condition of the targeted population of Kaligonj Upazila with provision of hygiene, sanitation and water supply services through community empowerment with the support of local government and other stakeholders.
In October 2009, the project was lunched in Dhalbaria Union of Kaligonj Uopazila under Shatkhira District which has been the first union out of 5 in the first year and up to the reporting period the project has tarted its implementation with three unions. . The project started its implementation with the direct involvement of local government institution (Union Parishad) and the community based organisations.Goal and Objective:Greater Objective
The overall objectives of the project is to improve the health condition of the targeted population in Kaligonj upazila with provision of hygiene, sanitation and water supply services through community empowerment with the support of local government and other stakeholders. 

Specific objectives

  • To promote Community Managed Program (CMP) implementation process along with the involvement of local government.
  • To increase the coverage of open defecation free community
  • To increase access of safe water for targeted hardcore poor people
  • To improve hygiene practice.


Outputsà Resultsà Outcome:


  • 113 community action plans and maps of water and sanitation needs have been developed and are being kept locally at community centers and at the offices of the Union Parishad.
  • 435 community leaders have received training in community-led total sanitation methods
  • 240 children and adolescents have become members of task forces whose role is to spread the message about good hygiene to their peers.
  • installation of 3 deep tube wells and 3  pond sand filter installed
  • renovation of 58 tube well platforms
  • training in water point maintenance delivered to 38 men and 30 women
  • 66 school teachers and school management committee members ( men 43, female 23) has been trained on school hygiene education
  • renovation of 3 school toilets, benefitting 682 boys and 668 girls (total 1,350 children);
  • 192 people has been  received basic hygiene messages (77 men and 115 women);
  • constructed 3 public toilets
  • renovated 6 school toilets



  • 8128 people have access to safe water facilities.
  • 2208 school pupils have access to hygienic latrine facilities during school hours.
  • 5058 HHs have access in hygienic latrine facilities which has been increased 19.7 % from the baseline.
  • 1720 mobile people have access to improve sanitation facilities.

Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)
Total targeted beneficiary 146856 , out of them adult women 58510, adult male 66966, girl children under 18 yrs girl 5433 and boy 7482 , adolescent girl 4372 and boy 4093.

Project Duration: 5 years

Start date: July 2009

Financial partner (Donor): DAM –UK

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:
Dhalbaria, Ratanpur, Mathureshpur, Nalta and Tarali Unions in Kaliganj, Bangladesh. One field office located at Kaligonj Sadar.

 Project Budget : 101,44,704.00

Number of project staffs and volunteers :
Upazila level staffs: 3 (Filed Coordinator -1, Field Engineer -1 and Accountant cum Office Assistant -1), Union Facilitator: 5


Contact Person      : Md. Monirul Islam, Project Engineer, DAM WASH
E-mail                        : ,
Cell No                       : 01745344899