Project Introduction :
Founded in 1958 Dhaka Ahsania Mission was working as a philanthropic organization which has now acquired the position of one of the leading Non-Government Development Organizations in Bangladesh. DAM is passing the 56 years and by now it has widened its sphere of activities to a considerable extent. Since the time DAM has been diversifying its development interventions with expansion of program coverage both geographically and in population. To increase coherence and efficiency in its interventions, DAM continuously keeps trying to improve its institutional efficiency.
Concern universal-Bangladesh has signed a contract agreement with the European Union to implement the action Cros-borfder transfer of agricultural technologies institutional and market development project in Jamalpur Bangladesh. Dhaka Ahsania Mision is a national NGO in Bangladesh are implementing the field level activities of the project under five upazila of Jamalpur mentioned Jamalpur sadar, Sorishabari, Modergonj Dewangonj and Melandah upazila. Technical support is provided by Helvetas Swiss Interoperation. The project intends to reach out to 20,000 beneficiary households 15,000, in Jamalpur district in Bangladesh and 5000 beneficiary households in six districts in the state of Asam in India implemented by RGVN. The other target groups of the project are local service providers-LSP and their associations input and output market actors, and Govt. line agencies specially Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
Project Agreement Number: EuropeAid/130-641/C/ACT/CAI
Overall Objective:
- Improving food security and nutrition for the poorest and most vulnerable in South Asia to contribute to MDG 1
Specific Objectives:
- 20,000 smallholder households in Bangladesh and India will benefit from cross-border learning to improve their food security and nutrition
- To further improve a tested, efficient and sustainable model of public private cooperation to reduce poverty for the most vulnerable for replication at regional level
- Measurable improvements in food security and nutritional indicators due to productivity increases through use of low cost, environment friendly agricultural technologies.
- Measurable income increases through improved linkages to input/output markets, adequate market extension and value chain promotion.
- Integrated and sustainable stakeholder institutions for local service provision developed for technology transfer, marketing linkages.
- Model developed in Bangladesh and further improved by the action, has been adopted by Indian NGO and is more widely disseminated
Project Components:
- Technology Transfer
- Market and Enterprise Development
- Human and Institutional Development
- Knowledge Transfer
Major Activities:
Technology Transfer
- Fingerlings provide
- Transfer of Rice seed and working capital for Rice cultivation
- Working capital & Seed distribution for Rice plot demonstration.
- Working capital distribution for fruit tree management
- Working Capital for floating vegetable
- Transfer of Poultry Working Capital
- Farmers field day (FFD
- Facilitate Technical Demonstration Session for rice seed distribution
Market and Enterprise Development
- MSE and business planning to groups
- MSE and business plan to groups under Vegetable, Chili and Chicken Value chain.
- Facilitate traders to organize workshop with LSP/SPA and producers groups (MMW) under Value Chain Activities
- Technical session by LSP under Vegetable value chain
- Technical session by LSP under Chili value chain
- Technical session by LSP under Chicken value chain
- Post harvest handling LSP`s training
- Facilitated post harvest handling session at MSE level by LSP`s (Vegetable VC)
- Conducted Local Entrepreneur Training (Hatchery establish and management)- Chicken v. Plan with MSE groups for delivery quality inputs from private sector under Vegetable Value chain value chain
- Workshop among MSE groups and Market actors (Input & Output) under Vegetable value chain
- Workshop among MSE groups and Market actors (Input & Output) under Chili value c. Workshop among MSE groups and Market actors (Input & Output) under Chicken value chain
- Farmers selection for demonstration plot under Vegetable value chain
- Farmers selection for demonstration plot under Chili value chain
- Demonstration Plot Established under Vegetable value chain
- Demonstration Plot Established under Chili value chain
Human and Institutional Development
- Asset data collection
- Staff orientation for HH sample survey and data collection
- LSP-Market development training
- Staff capacity building training on Marketing extension, MSE, Market linkage, Value Chain development and LSP Model
- LSP`s Capacity building training under value chain
- LSP training from AEAs (DRP)
- Facilitate technical session in the groups by LSPs
- Facilitate technical session in the groups by LSPs under Vegetable Value Chain
- Facilitate technical session in the groups by LSPs under Chili Value Chain
- Facilitate technical session in the groups by LSPs under Chicken Value Chain
- Sharing workshop with LSP`s on working with communities
- LSP`s training on CMDRR Training
- Fortnightly group meeting (Issue base)
- SPA monthly meeting (EC)
Knowledge Transfer
- Staff Monthly Meeting
- GOB Coordination Meeting
Project Participants (Direct):
Children(0-10) |
Adolescent(11-17) |
Youth(18-25) |
Adult(26-60) |
Senior Citizen(61+) |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1300 |
156 |
10834 |
973 |
1483 |
254 |
Project Duration: 36 Months (January 2012 to December 2014- Ext. April 2015)
Financial partner (Donor): European Union and lead applicant Concern Universal Bangladesh
Implementing partner (if any): Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM)
Project Location/s and number of Field offices:
- Project office: Upazila road In front of Sadar upazilla office, Bozrapur, Jamalpur.
- Area office Jamalpur sadar: Upazila road In front of Sadar upazilla office, Bozrapur, Jamalpur.
- Area office Melandah: Vill: Adipaita, (North side of Govt. Degree college) P.O. Melandah, P.S Melandah sadar, Dist. Jamalpurm
- Area office Dewangonj: Vill. Dalbari. Upazila Hospital road, P.O- Dewangonj,P.S- Dewangonj, Dist. Jamalpur.
- Area office Madargonj: South side of Madergonj Palli Biddut office, Madergonj.
- Area office Sarisabari: Upazila road,P.O- Sarishabari,P.S- Sarishabari sadar, Dist. Jamalpur.
Project Budget: Total BDT 15,74,69,115
Number of project staffs and volunteers:
Staff (Regular) |
Paid Volunteer |
Non-Paid Volunteer |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
61 |
11 |
0 |
0 |
428 |
52 |
Contact Person : Md. Shadiqur Rahman, Project Manager
Email & Cell :, 01717433487