Improving WASH for Rohingya Refugees Project (3rd phase)

Project Name: Improving WASH for Rohingya Refugees Project (3rd phase)

Brief Summary of Project:
Since August 2017 an estimated 860,000 Rohingya have fled the violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, seeking safety in Cox’s Bazar District, south-eastern Bangladesh.  The ongoing situation in Myanmar still prevents their safe return.

For six years the Rohingya refugees have lived in ‘temporary’ camps in Ukhiya Upazila, Cox’s Bazar district.  After the outpouring of international concern at the time of their initial displacement, the plight of the Rohingya refugees has slipped from the world’s attention.  Today the Rohingya languish in pitiful living conditions, unable to return to their homes yet also unable to settle fully in Bangladesh.

The Rohingya refugees have been provided with basic water and sanitation facilities. But the high population density in the camps means that water points and latrines require periodic rehabilitation. With waning international support, many existing pit latrines are overflowing with excreta and are in urgent need of repair while many waterpoints have fallen into disrepair and require rehabilitation.

The lack of clean water and insanitary conditions in the refugee camps increase the risk of water-borne disease. Children playing in the dirty conditions and those with compromised immune systems such as the elderly, infirm and pregnant women are particularly at risk.

Project Agreement Number: (# 1053786)

Overall Objective: The Project addresses lack of clean water and adequate sanitation, perpetuate poverty: Will health caused by drinking contaminated water limits opportunities to work on learn; Intestinal infections caused by drinking dirty water impair healthy growth) e.g. 36% of children & It 5 years in Bangladesh Stunted (UNICEF).

Specific Objectives:

  • Improved access to sustainably managed clean water and sanitation
  • Improved hygiene practice among targeted beneficiaries


  • Improved access  to sustainably managed clean water and sanitation;
  • Not resident in targets areas requires more than 30 minutes to access water free of contaminants;
  • Water from all water points meets Government of Bangladesh quality standards;
  • Improved WASH practice the working areas in camp level;

Project Components:

Major Activities:

  • 500 people have access to sanitary latrines
  • 4,250 people have access to clean drinking water.
  • 4,000 beneficiaries have the means and the knowledge to improve hygiene and MHM practice in their household
  • 4,000 beneficiaries have the means and the knowledge to improve water safety practices from the source to consumption.
  • Installation of 5 motorized deep tube wells
  • Rehabilitation of 80 deep tube wells
  • Rehabilitation of 80 sanitary latrines
  • Organize 1 staff training
  • Organize 1 project launch workshop
  • Organize 1 training on WASH Awareness Message Dissemination for Rohingya block Youth WASH Volunteers
  • Organize 1 refresher training on WASH Awareness Message Dissemination for Rohingya block Youth WASH Volunteers
  • Conduct 100 awareness sessions on water safety
  • Conduct 100 awareness sessions on sanitation and solid waste management
  • Conduct 50 awareness sessions on MHM for adolescent girls and women
  • Observe 4 international days related to WASH and the environment
  • Conduct 1 Baseline and 1 Endline/Evaluation
  • Prepare IEC/BCC Materials
  • Prepare Video Documentation

Project Participants (Direct): (After Survey information is updated)

Children (0-10)

Adolescent (11-17)

Youth (18-25)

Adult (26-60)

Senior Citizen (61+)

















Project Duration: 01 Nov to 31st October 2025

Financial partner (Donor): DAM UK & Human Appeal

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: In the Camp Ukhiya Upazila in Cox’s Bazar district

Project Budget: 86,79092/=

Number of project staffs and volunteers :

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer












Contact Person Name & Designation: Md. Shafiqul Islam, Project Manager
Cell: +88 01727320255,

Increase Income of Farmer’s through Mung bean cultivation with modern technology

Project Introduction:
Increase Income of Farmer’s through Mung bean cultivation with modern technology project implement by DAM Foundation for Economic Development (DFED) at Barguna Sadar Upazil, Barguna District under Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project of PKSF. PACE project funded by IFAD.

Project Agreement Number: Not Applicable

Overall Objective:
Increase Income of Farmer’s through Mung bean and vegetable cultivation with modern technology

Specific Objectives:

  • To improve skill & knowledge of Farmers by mung bean cultivation.
  • To increase production of mung bean through technology transfer to farmers.
  • To assist the quality agriculture inputs to available the mung bean farmers.
  • To expand the marketing or new field of production of Mungbean


At the end of the project:

  • 60% of assets will increase entrepreneurs.
  • 85% mug farmers will be able to use modern technology and improved management.
  • 60% production of Mungbean will be increased.
  • 75% of the new  area  will be interested in peasant farming BARI-6 Mungbean
  • Mungbean farmers to cultivate new BARI-6 varieties of  50%.
  • 100 master trainers/Local service provider will be prepared
  • 3000 mung bean farmers will be received skills training and 600 summer vegetable farmers will be received skills training.
  • 6 Bed Planter (Seed sowing machine) financing will be buying.
  • The demonstration will be set up in plots of 60 varieties of BARI-6
  • BARI -6 mung bean and summer vegetable farming income and expenditure account over 3600 data cards will be made.
  • BARI-6 Mungbean and summer vegetable to grow the program will be created 3600 new card.

Project Components: Training, BARI-06 Mungbean cultivation, Use of Bed Planter, Homestead gardening, Demo plot and Field day.

Major Activities:

  • Startup workshop
  • Linkage workshop (Input & Output actors)
  • Develop the local service provider (Master trainer)
  • Training on mung bean cultivation through modern technology ( 5 key learning session)
  • Training on home vegetable cultivation
  • Demo plot of BARI-06 mung bean and vegetable
  • Cross visit for mung bean farmers
  • Bed planter transfer for seed sowing
  • To prepare the Mungbean & vegetable cultivation

Project Participants (Direct):





Senior Citizen(61+)














Project Duration: November 2016 to June 2019
Financial partner (Donor): PKSF & IFAD
Implementing partner (if any): Not Applicable
Project Location/s and number of Field offices:  Sadar Upazila, Barguna and number of Field Offices: 03
Project Budget BDT: Tk.10,660,000 (PKSF-Tk. 9 ,451 000 and DFED-1,209,000)
Number of project staffs and volunteers :

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer









Contact Person:
Name & Designation: Md.Niamul Kabir, Project Coordinator
Email:, Cell :01811480006, 01721130905

Orphan Kind Project (OKP)

Project Name: Orphan Kind Project (OKP)

Project Introduction:
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) is implementing one year long Orphan Kind Project (OKP), funded by Penny Appeal in Debhata Upazilla under Satkhira district from March 2020 with aim reducing the suffering of the 100 nos vulnerable orphans children  through giving them love, care, education and protection so that they become productive member in the society in the near future.
Project Agreement Number:  Orphan Kind Project 2020/ DAM/025/005/2020

Overall Objective:
To reduce the suffering of the orphans and vulnerable children, built their capacity through giving them love, care, education and protection so that they become productive member in the society in the near future
Specific Objectives:

  • To improve the quality of life of orphans & vulnerable children through providing food, health care and social security
  • To provide basic education to orphan and vulnerable children to make them good citizens
  • To establish network with multi-stakeholders for health, education and training.

Expected Results:

  • Improved nutritional status for children
  • Improved health facility
  • Ensured security and shelter in family
  • Increased community awareness
  • Received better education and acquired knowledge
  • Received vocational training for rehabilitation
  • Formed and activated networks with various service providers

Major Activities:

  • Prepare profile of selected orphan children
  • Provide food to the orphan children
  • Provide medical care to the orphan children
  • Mobilize support from community
  • Provide books and other school materials
  • Organize excursion and recreation events
  • Organize vocational training for 25 orphan children
  • Conduct meetings/workshop with stakeholders(network agencies)

Project Participants (Direct):

Children (0-10)

Adolescent (11-17)

Youth (18-25)

Adult (26-60)

Senior Citizen (61+)















Project Duration: 01 year (March 2020 to February 2021)
Financial partner (Donor): Penny Appeal
Implementing partner (if any): Dhaka Ahsania Mission
Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Debhata Upazilla, Satkhira and  one field office
Project Budget: BDT- 4,347,075/-
Number of project staffs and volunteers :

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer








Contact Person:
Name & Designation: Md.Shadiqur Rahman, Focal  Person
Cell Phone: 01717433487

Max Value for WASH Dam Galachipa Project (MVFW)

Project Introduction:

Galachipa upzila under Patuakhali districts is very much hard to reach rural area islands in Bangladesh. The southwest coastal region of Bangladesh is the home of large numbers of poor, small and marginal farm families and shrimp workers. DAM-MVFW Project started in this area last January ’13. Project is implementing six Union (Galachipa Sadar, Amkhola, Panpatti, Dakua, Chiknikandi & Gozalia) and one Union Chaltabunia of Rangabali Upazila. The main component of the projects is Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH in Community), Wash in School. SRHR, Safe Motherhood & TBA and Stunted Growth. Total beneficiaries of the projects are 130063, Total direct beneficiary (Who receive Hard War & Soft Ware supports) 104990 and indirect beneficiary (Who receive impacts) 25073 peoples.

Project Agreement Number: 38

Specific Objectives:

  • To achieve 100% sanitation in project areas through promoting exclusive participation and leadership of the community, SMC and linking the local government.
  • To improve communities’ health status by providing safe water, improved/hygienic latrines and hygiene education promotion
  • To improve SRHR, Traditional Birth process/procedure including MCH facilities
  • To aware pregnant/mothers about stunted growth in children


(i)      A base line study conducted in 7 unions and 253 para/community identified.

(ii)     253 WASH CSG/community groups activated (based on polders existing water management committee/CLC/Ganokendra) or newly formed (if there is no WMC/CLC/ Ganokendra) and capacitated.

(iii)    New 142 of water option (DTW) constructed and 30 water option (DTW) renovated in community level by 20 % subsidy.

(iv)    New 1286 of latrine constructed and 3413 latrine renovated by 40-60% subsidy.

(v)     63 women bathing place constructed by 22% subsidy.

(vi)    21 water option, 21 of latrine constructed (newly) and 21 latrines, 21 water option renovated in school level by 20% subsidy.

(vii)   Ward Sanitation Task forces activated in7 unions and linkage established with UPs and Upazila Taskforces.

(viii)  A total of 2040 people trained including 680 local resources and 36 volunteers, 1148 child and adolescents, 12 Local Entrepreneurs and 200 caretakers are trained on WaSH and primary health care (MCH).

(ix)    Value based Hygiene campaign and primary MCH promotion conducted in 254 paras and 182 schools.

(x)     189 TBA, 125 SMC and teachers and 125 students brigade leaders capacities.

(xi)    20 homesteaded garden demonstration for nutrition support.

(xii)   Construction of 01 innovative WASH technology (mini pipe water supply).

Project Components: WASH in Community, WASH in School, SRHR, Safe motherhood and Stunted Growth.

Major Activities: Baseline survey, CSG formation, Courtyard session, Wash in School, Health camp facilitation, ANC & PNC service, WWC & UWC meeting, DTW installation at community and school level, Latrine installation at HH and school level, DTW and Latrine repair at community and school level, women bathing chamber installation, Hand washing demo at community and family level., national and International day observation.

Project Participants (Direct):





Senior Citizen(61+)






















Project Duration: 01.01.2013 to 31.08.2016

Financial partner (Donor): Max Foundation NL

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Galachipa and Rangabali Upazila at Patuakhali District.

Project Budget: 41,873,954.00

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer










Contact Person: Shankar Kumar Das, Project Coordinator.

Email:, Cell : 01745-868965


Project Introduction:

Providing access to safe drinking water and sanitation services for all is a major development goal of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB). Accordingly, the Local Government Division (LGD) has prepared a Sector Development Plan (SDP) to guide the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector in the attainment the government’s goal. The SDP will be for a period of 15 years, starting in Financial Year 2010‐11 (FY 2011) and ending in FY 2025. The objective of the SDP is to provide a framework for planning, implementing, coordinating and monitoring all activities in the WSS sector.  As a strategic planning document, it addresses the emerging and the future challenges of the WSS sector with special incorporation of a separate analysis for the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), focusing more on hygiene promotion, and paying greater attention to the regions lagging behind. To achieve the goal of Sector Development Plan (SDP) the strategies/lessons learned have been considered to apply in the following areas under the project

Project Agreement Number:

Overall Objective:

The purpose of the project is to sustainably improve sanitation and hygiene behaviors’ among women, children and youth located in 400 communities and 155 schools in 4 Upazilas in Barisal and CHT Divisions by March 2016 through community approaches to total sanitation (CLTS), WASH in school (SLTS) and hygiene promotion.

Specific Objectives:


  • Improved access and use of good sanitation practices and promotion in 400 communities
  • Improved hand washing practices among dwellers in 400 communities
  • Improved hand washing practices among children in 155 schools

Project Components:

  • Community Awareness
  • Capacity Building
  • Hardware installation
  • Hygiene Practices

Major Activities:

  • Baseline Survey
  • Capacity Building
  • Ignition
  • Monitoring

Project Participants (Direct):

  • 183624 people from 400 communities live in ODF environment;
  • 306360 people adopted hand washing practices;
  • 76583 people from 400 communities have improved knowledge on hand washing;
  • 34875 students from 155 schools.

Project Duration: 16 Months (December 2014 – March 2016)

Financial partner (Donor): Plan International Bangladesh

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

  • Project Location/s and number of Field offices: 4 Upazilas of Barisal and Chittagong divisions (Char Fashion and Sadar Upazilas in Bhola district, Lakhichari Upazila in Khagrachari district, and AlikadamUpazila of Bandarban district).

Total: 4 Upazilas and 155 Schools

Project Budget: Total BDT= 40,833,648.00

Number of project staffs and volunteers: Total Staff 56 Persons and no volunteer

Contact Person: Laboni Shabnom, Program Coordinator

Email:  Cell: 01715 401979

WASH in Secondary School (WinS) Project

Project Introduction:
WASH facilities in schools and enrolment, attendance, retention and attention rates is widely known, access to safe and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in school is often poor or non-existent. The conditions of many of the existing WASH facilities are poor, often due to overcrowding, inadequate maintenance of the facilities compounded by insufficient knowledge and acceptance of basic hygiene messages. The lack of access to safe and sanitary facilities affects all children, with girls of menstrual age being particularly affected, due to inadequate or often, a complete absence of private and clean sanitary facilities forcing the girls to miss school for up to one week each month.WASH facilities and messages in schools has been implemented for some time, the practice of using school children as change agents in the community is relatively new. The school will be used as an entry point into the community. This project Proposes to address the key issues of sustainability and scaling up, through the engagement of the children as change agents in the community as well as the School Management Committee. 

Goal and Objectives:

  • Creating healthier Learning Environments with improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services in 200 Secondary Schools in 4 districts of Bangladesh.


  • To engage every students in hygiene behavior change activities
  • To active participation of key stakeholders (students, teachers, communities, NGOs and administrative authorities)
  • To focus demand driven approach on underserved areas with the school acting as an entry point into the community
  • To change hygiene behavior to sustain healthier learning environments in schools and surrounding communities
  • To construct new WASH facilities (including menstrual hygiene) in 25 selected schools
  • To rehabilitee existing WASH facilities in 30 selected schools

Outputs→   Results → Outcome:

  • 400 SMC members and 600 Teachers have been trained on effective and sustainable WASH interventions in schools
  • 60,000 school children from 200 targeted schools have adopted improved sustainable hygiene behaviours especially washing their hands with soap at the appropriate times
  • 200 schools leave action plans have been developed and implemented
  • New WASH facilities are constructed, utilized and maintained appropriately in 25 schools
  • Existing WASH facilities are rehabilitated, constructed, utilized and maintained appropriately in 30 schools

Who the Project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients):

  • 60,000 students from 200 secondary schools
  • 600 secondary school teachers (3 teachers per schools)
  • 400 members of School Management Committee
  • 200 school communities around the school

Project Duration: 15 October, 2012 to 30th September, 2013

Start Date: 15th October, 2012

Financial Partner (Donor): UK aid and UNICEF

Implementing partner (if any): Dhaka Ahsania Mission, Muslim Aid uk Bangladesh and VERC

Project Location/s and number of field offices:
Number of field offices : 4
Project Location/s : Sunamganj, Khagrachari, Rangamati and Bandarban

Budget with annual breakup:

Total Budget











Number of project staff and volunteers: Project staff: 34,  Management Staff: 5

Contact Person      : Syed Nur-A-Alam Siddique, Team Leader, WatSat Programms
E-mail                        : siddique@, ,
Cell No                       : 01746-698365


Disaster Risk Reduction: Knowledge & Skills, Health, Water & Sanitation Facilities and Life Skills” (Waterdrupple)

Project Introduction: 

Concern Universal-Bangladesh, Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) and Friendship-Bangladesh are long-term partners of Cordaid in Bangladesh.  All these three NGOs have involvement in the coastal region, the South of Bangladesh since long time. With the financial and technical support from Cordaid, the three partners are more experience on community managed disaster risk reduction (CMDRR), climate change adaptation (CCA), health, WatSan sector. Later on Max Foundation

Every year Cordaid has the opportunity to submit a proposal to the Dutch Lottery Fund. This year (2011) Cordaid’s Marketing & Communication Department selected the idea for “Coastal region, the south of Bangladesh”. Cordaid initially selected its three partners (Friendship, DAM and CU) in Bangladesh for this proposal. The three partners jointly developed project proposal and submitted to Cordaid in August 2011. Later on Cordaid and Max Foundation together prepared the proposal in Dutch language focusing on water related issues and submitted to the Dutch Lottery Fund. And finally the project has been awarded. The proposed project will be implemented in Patuakhali, the coastal district of south Bangladesh.
Goal and Objective:
Overall Objective

“Building disaster resilient communities in targeted coastal areas of Bangladesh with appropriate skills, knowledge and practices on health, WASH and livelihoods initiatives.”
Specific Objectives:
Objective-1: To strengthen awareness and capacity of targeted communities and local institutions on CMDRR and climate change.
Objective-2:To improve communities’ health status by providing water, sanitation and hygiene promotion.
Objective-3: To improve communities’ health status by providing health care services
Objective-4:To improve and secure livelihoods of vulnerable communities.


Expected Results:
Result-1:Increased knowledge and skill of local communities and relevant local institutions to be better equipped to assess, plan, execute and manage integrated risk reduction measures.
Result-2:Increased access to safe water and sanitation facilities to selected cyclone shelters/schools and catchment communities with improved hygiene knowledge and practices.
Result-3:Improved morbidity and mortality rates of targeted communities specially those more vulnerable through health education and affordable & accessible community based health care services.
Result-4: Enhanced income generation activities and strengthening life skills among the disaster prone communities.

Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients):

There are total 300,000 people in the Kalapara and Mirzaganj Upazillas of Patuakhali district. The direct beneficiaries of the project will be 75,000 poor and extreme poor peoples who are most vulnerable and marginalized.  These include fishermen, women, widows, pregnant women, elderly, children, adolescent and people with disability.

Secondary beneficiaries will be the school teachers, local elected public representative, Government officials, local Member of Parliament (MP), journalists and media personnel, local leaders, and the civil society at large. Approximately 50,000 secondary beneficiaries will be benefited from this proposed project.
Project Duration:  January 2012-December 2014 (24 month)
Start date: January 2012
Financial partner (Donor): Max Foundation and Cordaid
Implementing partner (if any):  Dhaka Ahsania Mission
Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Puluakhali districts, Mirzapur Upazila, 01 Upazila
Number of project staffs- 15, and volunteers: 25

Contact Person      : Syed Nur-A-Alam Siddique, Team Leader, WatSat Programms

E-mail                        : siddique@, ,
Cell No                       : 01746-698365



Project Introduction:
This document focuses on the phase 1 pilot project: proof of concept. This document comprises the technical and operational activities in detail. Activities related to business planning, marketing of the project, stakeholder engagement and communications are being detailed in the business plan.
The purpose of this test plan is to provide procedures for all participants involved in testing FTC and related equipment to ensure quality test data. This test program comprises three FTC units that will be tested for a period of 18 months. The results are expected to greatly accelerate the innovative FTC technology to treat brackish and arsenic contaminated water into the Bangladesh rural market place making water treatment technology widely available for local entrepreneurs.Goal and Objective:
The main goal of the test program is to proof the concept; the focus is on testing the technical aspects of the device. Besides, EMF takes the opportunity to test the basic commercial assumptions of the business plan. 

Establish within 10 years up to 30,000 financially independent micro water businesses in Bangladesh. Of course this is a very challenging goal; however it underlines the sense of urgency and market potential.

The objectives of this test programme are to:

  • present data on the impact of variations in feed water quality such as Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), arsenic, iron, phosphate and manganese on performance;
  • determine the logistical, human and economic resources necessary to operate and maintain the equipment;
  • determine the reliability, ruggedness and ease of operation and maintenance;

Determine and optimize detailed system design and operating specifications shaped by installation, operation, resources and economic requirements and test results.

Outputsà Resultsà Outcome:                

  • A Community level baseline Survey was Completed and “A community perspective on the desirability and feasibility of micro drinking water businesses in Bangladesh “on this title a research Paper was completed.
  • A capDI System with whole structural setup was already installed and first trial run was successfully completed.
  • A Opening Ceremony and Local level Workshop was Completed of 1st Plant


  • From the Sujol Plant 1st test site Kalaroa near about 250HH people are drinking water from the plant.


Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)
Run by the Community

Project Duration: 1year 6 Months

Start date: July 2011

Financial partner (Donor): EMF

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:  Baksha (Hatatgonge ), Kalaroa, Satkhira

Budget with annual breakup:

Year wise Budget  (Approved from NGOAB)
Year Budget
July,2011-June’2012 7839064/-
July,2012-December-2012 1564634/-

Number of project staffs and volunteers : 6 Persons (Project Manager-1, Project Engineer-1,Co-ordinator Social Mobilizer-1,Field Engineer-3)and No volunteers

Upazila level staffs: 3(Field Engineer -3), No volunteers

Contact Person      : Syed Nur-A-Alam Siddique, Team Leader, WatSat Programms
E-mail                        : siddique@, ,
Cell No                       : 01746-698365


Addressing WASH in Southern Bangladesh (WASH Plus) project

Project Introduction:

Bhola district located in Southwestern Bangladesh is selected as the proposed project site because of the region’s high incidence of water born diseases, poor nutrition indicators, absence of sustainable WaSH service provision, and highly marginalized and environmentally vulnerable population. Its proximity to the Bay of Bengal makes this region particularly vulnerable. With geographically comprised mostly of rivers and isolated hard-to-reach river islands, communities in these areas have limited livelihood opportunities due to unpredictable natural disasters, poor infrastructure, limited access and communication with the mainland, saline contamination, and inadequate safe drinking water and sanitation services. A number of barriers exist within southwestern Bangladesh that needs to be addressed to promote and sustain WASH coverage within this area.

Project Agreement Number: AID-OAA-A-10-00040-00-

Overall Objective:

To contribute to the improvement of human well being and dignity through context-specific and scalable water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion in hard to reach areas of southwestern Bangladesh

Specific Objectives:

To reach poor and marginalized communities with comprehensive and sustainable safe water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion using locally appropriate technologies and approaches in Daulatkhan upazilas.

Outcome 1:Poor and disadvantaged people’s access to safe drinking water, improved sanitation, and their hygiene practices improved.

Outcome 2: Local capacity to operate and maintain WASH facilities; manage allocation and utilization of WASH budgets

Outcome 3:Improved evidence base documentation and coordination in programming among WASH-nutrition actors for sustainability of WASH facilities ensured.


Output 1.1: People living without appropriate WASH facilities have gained or improved their access to safe drinking water and/or hygienic latrines.

Output 1.2: At least one-fourth of the households served with safe water and/or improved sanitation facilities have adopted better hygiene (hand washing) and feces disposal practices.

Output 1.3: An increased number of communities (wards) within the target areas have attained ODF status as per survey/local government recognition.

Output 1.4:One or more technological innovations developed or adapted and applied to meet local needs for improved sanitation and hand washing.

Project Components: Safe water, Safe Sanitation, Hand washing & Menstrual hygiene Management.

Major Activities:

  • Established community based participatory Monitoring System and conduct meeting & monitoring with DF
  • Introduce, Review & Monitoring of Environmental Mitigation and Management Plan
  • Mobile based online monitoring system
  • Community  situation analysis(CSA)
  • Community Mobilization for WASH Behavior Change (increased sanitation, hand washing, and availability of safe water at household level)
  • Mass campaign on hand washing at community
  • Mass monitoring for ODF declaration
  • DTW installation at community level
  • Latrine Installation (HH)
  • Caretaker Training on operation and maintenance  of water options
  • Sensitization with Community Leader’s/ health assistance/ Ward/Union Watsan committees of Local Government (45 W & 5 UP)
  • Training leadership and management for CDF
  • Demonstration on Hand Washing device(Public place/ UP/WWP)
  • Training of the Community  volunteers
  • Sanitation Marketing
  • School teacher orientation on hygiene promotion
  • Toolbox for mechanics and caretakers of water options
  • Participation in Horizontal Learning Program of LGD/exposure visit
  • Exit Meeting

Project Participants (Direct):





Senior Citizen(61+)






















Project Duration: April 2013 – May -2015

Financial partner (Donor) : Wateraid Bangladesh .

Implementing partner (if any):  N/A

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:  Doulatkhan, Bhola

Project Budget: Total BDT = 41,358,317.00

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer














This project was designed in keeping with the aim of improving of human well being and dignity through context-specific and scalable water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion in hard to reach areas of southwestern Bangladesh. In view of the geographical and social context, this intervention was an accurate time based respond to the community’s development more specifically for water and sanitation which will have positive long term impact for reducing water borne disease and improving hygiene promotion across the local area.

Contact Person: Md. Ziaur Rahman, Project Manager

Email:, Cell : 01712147183

Ensuring Water and Sanitation for Disaster Risk Reduction (EWSDRR)

Project Introduction:

Covering households with adequate WatSan facilities is a matter of long duration programme and huge level of funding. Still Concern Universal, though the acceptance level and appreciation is too high, is in the initial stage on implementing WatSan project, but the ensuring multiple impacts CUB model is highly proved already. Strategically CUB targeted the schools (used as disaster shelters also), disaster shelters (used as schools also) and public places for the hardware installation and conduct awareness activities in the catchments areas for building mass awareness and developing knowledge.

Project Agreement Number:DCI-NSAPVD/2011/246-502

Project overall Objectives:Theoverall objective of the action is to “promote people participation for reducing the morbidity and mortality caused by inadequate water and sanitation provisions in selected coastal disaster prone areas of Bangladesh”.

Specific Objectives:

The objectives of the project will be achieving:

  • Providing safe water and sanitation options in the 200 schools/LGI cum shelters;
  • Increasing community knowledge and awareness on the use of safe water, sanitary latrines and hygienic practices;
  • Strengthening the capacity of local government institutions (including standing committees), shelter place management committees, community leaders (including school teachers), Rural Wat-San Engineers/masons and CSOs to integrate their roles for assuring sustainable option of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion; and

Building effective collaboration and coordination with the government, UN agencies, CSOs and private sectors for implementing disaster friendly Wat-San mechanism towards achieving a common goal

Outputs Results Outcome:

  • Improved access to safe water facilities for the 80% disaster victims of the catchments areas
  • Improved access to safe water facilities for the 100% students of the shelter cum schools
  • Improved access to sanitary latrines facilities for the 80% disaster victims of the catchments area
  • Improved access to sanitary latrines facilities for the 100% students of the shelter cum schools
  • Strengthened the GoB-WatSan and disaster committees at union and ward levels
  • Built awareness of the community on WatSan and disaster
  • Enhanced skill and knowledge of the stakeholders on WatSan and disaster
  • Established well functional mechanisms in the targeted schools/shelters in terms of management and finance
  • 80% households of catchments areas will build low – cost latrines (without project funding)
  • Increased level of disaster friendly WatSan implementation in Bangladesh

Projects Component:

  • Hardware Installation (WASH Block) at School cum shelter center
  • Software activities at community level for awareness raising on WASH
  • Software activities at School level for awareness raising on WASH
  • Capacity building of LGIs for sustainable WASH facilities during Disaster

Major Activities:

  • Capacity Building of Stakeholders (LGIs, Schools Teachers, Religious Leaders, Students)
  • WASH Block installation at Shelter cum Schools
  • Awareness raising activities at School and Community (Courtyard meetings, Religious Leaders Meeting, Tea Stall Meetings, School Hygiene Session, MAP & CAP Preparation and Update)
  • Local and National Level Advocacy & Networking

Project Participants (Direct): Women-90,885, Men-94,855, Girls-31,912, Boys-30,259

Project Duration: November, 2011 to April, 2015

Financial partner (Donor): Concern Universal Bangladesh (CUB)

Implementing partner (if any): No, only Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) implementing

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Charfasion, Burhanuddin, Daulatkhan, Tojumuddin Upazila in Bhola and Mirzagonj Upazila in Patuakhali District.

Project Budget: Total BDT 6,35,60,100.00

Number of project staffs and volunteers :





Project Staff




Non-Paid Volunteer




Contact Person: Mohammad Shahin, Project Coordinator

Email: shahin1972@ymail.comCell: 01712929726