Enhancing Protection of Child Sex Trafficking Survivors in Bangladesh

Project Name: Enhancing Protection of Child Sex Trafficking Survivors in Bangladesh

Project Introduction:
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) exists in Bangladesh, with poverty, social exclusion, gender discrimination, widespread illiteracy, lack of awareness and poor governance being key factors contributing to prevalence. Children from rural areas are often lured on the false presence of lucrative job opportunities in big cities before being sold for commercial sex work in Dhaka; or ‘bonded’ into commercial sex by family members to pay off loans. Dhaka slum dwellers, especially the thousands who migrate there each year due to climate displacement, are highly vulnerable to CSEC due to economic insecurity, dependence on the streets for living, lack of social connections and risk of family separation. The economic inflation, post-covid 19 effects and the global and ecological unrest has made the situation even worse, inspiring the sex worker mothers to involve their young children into sexual slavery.

Thereupon, taking a good understanding of the CST hotspot modelling for the and considering DAM’s current footprints in TIP and child protection interventions, DAM is implementing this project in 02 targeted geographic locations: Jashore and Dhaka. DAM will target 03 brothels of Jashore Central and 05 hotspots in Dhaka (with surrounded slums) based on the organizational presence of the 02 social development institutions: Thikana & KANAN.

This project has four main objectives: firstly, increased awareness and will to combat internal CST among government officials, law enforcement, CSOs and at- risk communities; secondly, to support the development of a robust evidence based on internal CST, inclusive of survivor voices and share it where appropriate; thirdly, children exploited by internal CST have access to survivor-centred and trauma-informed rehabilitation, and
reintegration services provided by government and CSOs; and fourthly, frontline CSOs and survivor leaders have
increased their capability and quality of their engagement on internal CST.

Project Agreement Number: BDOO1010

Award Number: SSJTIP23GR0007

Overall Objective: Increased awareness and will to combat internal CST among government officials, law, enforcement, CSOs, and at-risk communities.

Specific Objectives:

  • Objective 1: Increased awareness and will to combat internal CST among government officials, law enforcement, CSOs and at-risk communities.
      • Sub-objective 1a: Local and national level government and law enforcement have improved knowledge and systems to recognise and identify cases of internal CST.
      • Sub-objective 1b: Children and communities at high risk of engaging in internal CST and the wider public have increased awareness of the scale and harm caused by internal CST in Bangladesh.
  • Objective 2: A robust evidence base on internal CST, inclusive of survivor voices, is generated and shared.
  • Objective 3: Children exploited by internal CST have access to survivor-centred and trauma-informed rehabilitation, and reintegration services provided by government and CSOs.
      • Sub-objective 3a: Children exploited by internal CST have access to shelter, survivor-centered and trauma-informed rehabilitative care.
      • Sub objective 3b: Children leaving shelter homes have individual reintegration plans and follow up support to prevent re-trafficking
  • Objective 4: Frontline CSOs and survivor leaders are supported to strengthen their organizational capacity, leadership and advocacy skills to contribute to the eradication of internal CST.

Project Components:

  • CST Survivor’s Identification and enrollment
  • Case Management and Case Conference
  • Individual need assessment to identify essential social services
  • Refer Survivors to need-based Health, Education, Shelter, Legal and Drug Rehabilitation Services
  • Mental State Examination (MSE)
  • Psychosocial Counseling (Individual, Group, Trauma)
  • Provide shelter support to children
  • Mid-length Transitional Shelter Support
  • Family Reintegration
  • Post Reintegration Follow-up
  • District-level Advocacy Dialogue with local government and local administration, Law enforcement Agencies and Media Persons
  • National-level Consultation Meeting with representatives of Ministry, CSO and CTIP Networks and CSEC Leaders and National-level CTC and CWB
  • Activate CWB and CTC, CBCPC.
  • Formation of New Anirban in Dhaka City

Major Activities:

  • 1.1 Deliver activities aimed at government officials at the local, district, national level as well as multilateral coordination groups improve knowledge of internal CST and increase willingness to take stronger actions against CST.
  • 1.2 Activate and support Child Welfare Boards (CWB) and Counter Trafficking Committee (CTC).
  • 1.4: Mobilise and train community group members to raise awareness of internal CST, generate support for community reporting of CST cases and to advocate with the Community Based Child Protection Committees for better services to vulnerable children.
  • Activity 1.5: Activate Community Based Child Protection Committees (CBCPC) to ensure they are functional to identify and protect CST survivors.
  • Activity 1.6: Support the Freedom Fund in a normative change campaign in traditional, social media and in communities, to increase public awareness of the scale and harm caused by sexual exploitation of children in Bangladesh.
  • Activity 2.3: Utilize the above and other existing evidence to develop and mainstream a reintegration strategy with government and civil society.
  • Activity 2.5 Participate in dissemination workshops to share findings from latest research and evaluations, build consensus around implications and agree on onward actions to encourage evidence-based responses to internal CST.
  • Activity 3.1. Implement minimum standards of care in shelter homes supporting survivors of internal CST.
  • Activity 3.2. Provide comprehensive support for survivors of internal CST
  • Activity 3.4. Provide direct reintegration support services, and referral to local services, to  survivors of CST leaving or having left institutionalized care.
  • 4.3. identify and support capacity enhancement of survivor leaders to provide ongoing input into the adaptive management and monitoring and evaluation of the program, participate in advocacy with decision makers and drive change from the community level.

Project Participants (Direct): 590 (children under the age of 17 years)

Type of Beneficiaries Dhaka Jashore
CSEC survivors/victim 94 96
Children at risk of CSEC 315 85
Survivor Leaders Group Members 40 40
Community Group 80 80
CTC (Counter trafficking committee)   5 1

Project Duration: 15 Months (1st August 2024- 31 October 2025)

Financial partner (Donor): The Freedom Fund (funded by United States JTIP Office)

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location (District & Upazila): Dhaka City and Jashore Sadar.

Number of Field offices:  Two Field Office (DAM HO. & Jashore Office)

Project Budget (Total): USD 147,635

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer













Contact Person:
Name & Designation: Sk. Mahabbat Hossen, Team Leader, Rights & Governance Sector
Email: mahabbat.dam@gmail.com
Cell:    +8801716054610

Ashshash: For Men and Women Who Have Escaped Trafficking Phase-II

Project Name: Ashshash: For Men and Women Who Have Escaped Trafficking Phase-II

Project Introduction: Human trafficking, the fastest-growing criminal activity globally, manifests in various forms, exploiting men, women, and children in bonded labor or the commercial sex trade. This illicit trade generates significant illegal income and infringes upon fundamental human rights, causing widespread societal damage. Notably, an alarming number of Bangladeshi individuals, particularly women and children, are trafficked to or through India each year, with estimates conflicting between official government figures and international studies. Recognizing the urgency to combat trafficking, a project named Ashshash, funded by the Swiss Embassy in Bangladesh and executed by Winrock International, aims to address the needs of trafficking survivors in trafficking-prone districts, focusing on social and economic inclusion. The initiative collaborates with local resources and leverages national tools to empower survivors, aiming for sustained support at the district level to restore dignity and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency. Rights and Governance Sector of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) as a Social Reintegration Partner, is helping Winrock International to implement the project in the most intimidating trafficking hubs under ‘Cluster-3’ and ‘Cluster-5’ located in Jhenaidah, Dhaka West and Manikganj.

Project Agreement Number: 10022-23-A—05

Award Number: 81077781

Overall Objective:  Men and women who have escaped trafficking restore their dignity and well-being and become self-sufficient

Specific Objectives:

  • Objective 1: Men and women who have escaped trafficking improve their physical, social and economic well-being through psychological support and other reintegration services.
      • Output 1.1: Women and men who have escaped trafficking are provided holistic care, including psychosocial counselling and legal and essential; services.
      • Output 1.2: Women and men who have escaped trafficking are provided with training and resources to access new or better employment.
      • Output 1.3: Women and men who have escaped trafficking are offered access to finance and increased market linkages.
  • Objective 2: Institutions are made more accountable and effective in providing services benifical to men and women who have escaped trafficking.
      • Output 2.1: Change agents of local communities are aware and trained on the prevention of human trafficking and reintegration services for survivors of trafficking.
      • Output 2.2: Public/Private institution developed capacity to provide improved social protection and legal support to survivors of trafficking.
      • Output 2.3: Public and private sector stakeholders influence policies/practices to support sustainable reintegration of survivors of trafficking.

Project Components:

  • Provide psychosocial counseling to survivors and their families.
  • Health insurance coverage and emergency support to survivors
  • Legal Aid Services
  • Career counseling
  • Business development support
  • Linkage to market
  • Access to finances through facilitating relationships between survivors and financial institutions.
  • Entrepreneurship Training and mentorship support
  • Apprenticeship or on-the job training
  • Job Placement
  • Soft skills training
  • Private sector engagement for improved market linkages/access to finance.
  • Organize entrepreneurs’ conference
  • Capacity development for social mobilisers, CTIP activists, and survivor leaders.
  • Establish counselling corners under local government establishments
  • Development and formalization of district level referral directories
  • Conduct social service stakeholder and resource mapping
  • Capacity building of CTC and engage them in grassroot advocacy
  • Sensitization training for private and public institutions (employers, mentors, skills trainers, and others) who will support economic empowerment of survivors

Major Activities:

  • Source Mapping for identification of victims through.
  • Identification and enrollment of victims of human trafficking with the project following Ashshash criteria.
  • Need assessment with survivors for social services (shelter, health, security, trauma counseling etc.
  • PsychosocialcounsellingservicesforthesurvivorsandtheirfamiliesfollowingAshshashguidelineandMentalStateExamination.
  • Provide Health care services through referral and need-based insurance coverage.
  • Provide legal services for filing cases and complaints for compensation.
  • Refer survivor to economic empowerment process.
  • Provide2-day life skills training to each survivor dedicated to communication, problem-solving, teamwork, social issues, labour rights, decision making, leadership development and networking etc. using Ashshash provided training module.
  • Provide career counseling (one to one) to each survivor using Ashshash provided career counseling module and guideline (at least four sessions with each survivor initially). The session will continue during the training and employment period.
  • Using Ashshash developed economic development screening tool, career counselor will assess each survivor considering different factors of a participant’s life including economic conditions, resources, family needs, and individual interests and strengths.
  • Prepare economic development plan based on the job and business’ market demands, survivors’ work experience (if any), work preferences and interests, income requirements, work schedule constraints, working environment preferences, and others.
  • Provide skills development training (45-day/360 hours) to the selected survivors (at least 40% of total targeted survivors) using multiple approaches including mentor-mentee (70%) and class room based (10%).
  • Ashshash-trained mentors/ facilitators will provide skills development training (soft and hard skills) to the enrolled beneficiaries through mentioned approaches using Ashshash-provided Training Implementation Guide line (TIG).
  • Career counselors will provide small class room-style training to a group of survivors on soft skills and job search skills (resume-writing, interviewing etc.), including identifying potential employers, submitting applications, following up, negotiating salaries and benefits, and providing support during the employment placement process.
  • SRP will ensure quality skills development training through proper monitoring and formative and summative assessment engaging external assessors from the pool.
  • SRP will ensure skills training completion certificates for each survivor after finishing training and final assessment.
  • SRP will arrange assessment through RPL system for at least 10% survivors to receive Govt. certificate.
  • Establish or strengthen linkages with district and national level private sector companies for ensuring wage-employment of the skilled graduates’ survivors.
  • Organize meetings with employers (quarterly) and Job Fair (yearly) engaging potential district and national level private sector companies for ensuring wage-based employment.
  • Provide entrepreneurship development training (15-day/60hours) to the interested survivors (at least 60% of total targeted survivors) with the support of BOS partner and Ashshash guidelines.
  • After the 15-day entrepreneurship training, SRP will ensure a business attachment training (10-day) to each survivor based on their selected nature of business in the local business markets.
  • Provide business development support services including market linkage, access to finance, product marketing, opening trade license and bank account, establish network with buyer, entrepreneurs conference/trade fair, business mentoring, coaching, guidance.etc.
  • Facilitate relationships between survivors and financial institutions for ensuring collateral free loans for the survivors through cluster financing; also explore partnering with green banking initiatives that support climate-vulnerable areas and could be a source for financing green businesses by survivors.
  • Engage the private sector companies to explore market connections; for example, small producers will be linked with larger buyers as part of external value-chain development activities, and the program will link survivors’ businesses to district level business associations, chambers, and other business communities.
  • Arrange entrepreneurs conferences/trade fair (yearly) engaging potential buyers and others business actors from local and national levels.
  • During the life skills training/skills development training/entrepreneur ship development training/business attachment period, each survivor will be provided BDT200/day for their local transport allowance (weekly) and the amount will be payable through mobile bank account (bKash) based on the actual attendance in the training.
  • Provide food and refreshments to the survivors during entrepreneur ship development training (10-day).
  • The entrepreneurship training graduates (40% of total survivors) will be provided business start-up capital (BOT20,000) as kind support for starting their business from the project based on the needs of the businesss types considering the survivors’ economic profile.
  • Ensure job placement (wage and self) to the trained graduates in local and national job and business markets within a month of graduation from trainings with an initial salary of at least BDT 6,000/month.
  • For retention and sustainability, maintain regular follow-up with the employed survivor in the work/business splace up to six (6) months from starting a job or business. It is expected that the employed graduates will earn at least BDT 6’000/month, for a minimum period of 6 consecutive months, within 1 year of graduation from the project.
  • Ensure proper monitoring, record keeping, and reporting.
  • Initiate Leadership Capacity enhancement of leader survivors
  • Establish and operationalize a counseling corner under local government establishment.
  • Develop and/or update district level referral directories to support trafficking survivors
  • Mapping and identifying the social service providers and their resources to be utilized for sustainable reintegration of trafficking survivors.
  • Coordination and collaboration meeting with service providers for reintegration of survivors using referral network.
  • Engage CTC in advocacy initiative at the grass root level.
  • Provide sensitization session/training to private and public service providing organizations to ensure trauma-informed and victim-centered services.
  • SRP will ensure social and economic reintegration of each survivor based on the guideline ofAshshash.

Project Participants (Direct): 1450 (65% of women, 90% of poor, 9% of 16-20 years of age, 60% of 21-30, 31% of the total survivors will be of 31-40 years of age)

Geographical Location

Age Segregation




Dhaka West- 300 (Female-195; Male-105)













Manikganj- 600 (Female-390; Male-210)













Jhenaidah- 550 (Female-357; Male-193)


















Project Duration: 40 months (November 23, 2023 to February 28, 2027)

Financial partner (Donor): Winrock International (funded by The Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh)

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location (District & Upazila): Jhenaidah, Manikganj and Dhaka West (Savar, Dhamrai, Keraniganj)

Number of Field offices:  Two Field Office (Jhenaidah and Manikganj) and DAM HO.

Project Budget (Total): BDT 7,21,31,792

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer













Contact Person:
Name & Designation: Sk. Mahabbat Hossen, Project Focal Person
Email: mahabbat.dam@gmail.com
Cell:    +8801716054610

Reaching the Excluded for Access Creation in Haor (REACH)

Project Introduction:

The project area of Dharmapasa Upazilla and the working unions is highly remote and backward, in comparison to other prime areas of the country, in terms of transport and communication infrastructure facilities. The villages are located in isolation in distant places. Majority people are poor, deprived of development services. The human development initiatives are meager. There were some drop out of staff since beginning of our project but we managed to immediately fill in the vacancies. It is difficult to attract qualified and experienced staff to stay and work in such a remote location.

Overall Objective:

A)   To increase awareness and capacity of all the targeted parents, Teachers of 60 schools 660 SMCs members.50 Union Education Standing Committees Members, 10 Ganokandros and others . At least 10 CBOs and 75 Community Action Groups of the project areas for promotion of quality primary education in the project areas.

B)   To introduce community tracking system to monitor the schools governance in the target areas to ensure accountability of 60 primary school administration.

C)   To facilitate enabling environment in the 60 schools with support from schools management and community committees to increase enrolment, retention and reduce drop out.

D) Implement the full set methods and tools and process of Community Score card. List down of the actual receivers, Orientation for selected beneficiaries.

Specific Objectives:

Ensure improved living condition of deprived people of Hawor areas by increasing capacity of service providing agencies.


A)   Children receive quality primary education through increased learners and the teacher’s enrollments. Increase completion rates and improved school infrastructures.

B)   Increased numbers of accurate target people recives VGD facilities as well as reduce leaches UP

C)   Standing committee on ag extension are more active and    the farmers receives increased on the spot extension services   from the SAAO & UNO and other extension agents

Project Components:

To create awareness of much people and mobilize to perform proactive role of service providing agencies.

Major Activities:

  1. SMC Meeting
  2. PTA Meeting
  3. Meeting with UP standing committee and upazilla level committee
  4. Tutors Refreshers
  5. Organize and conduct upzilla education taskforce committees quarterly meeting
  6. Ensure 100% enrolment  rally to pre-schools and primary schools and at least 90% to JS
  7. Organized Parents gathering Union / School wise)
  8. Reception and orientation day for grade one student
  9. Celebrate the Grade v and passed students for best result
  10. Organize issue based mothers groups through court yard meeting for school enrolment, regular attendance and ensure cycle completion for all children.(05 Union, 5 meeting per month
  11. Organize monthly  project coordination meetings
  12. Workshop on motivate and support others for scale up, replication and continuation of good practices to sustain the project achievements.
  13. Formation Farmer’s Club
  14. Farmer’s assembly
  15. Dialogue on half-yearly basis with UAO & UP Standing Committee and Representatives of Farmers club to ensure extension agents at farmer’s level.
  16. Organize health camp for health check up and treatments & Organize & Conduct awareness meeting about health related issues. ( 30 Gonokendro)
  17. Household survey by monitoring group
  18. Dialogue between Ganakendra representatives & UP Standing Committee of SN Program to facilitate and ensure right selection process and to reduce linkages in deliveries of food items.

Project Participants (Direct):





Senior Citizen(61+)





















Project Duration: 01.08.2013–31.12.2016

Financial partner (Donor): Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:  Project Office, Ukilpara, Dharmpasha, Sunamgonj. Nofield office.

Project Budget: Total BDT 2,49,21,108

Number of project staffs and volunteers :

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer













Contact Person:

Name:  Abdur Rakib, Program Coordinator

Email: a.rakib@ahsaniamission.org.bd

Cell : 01758 939678

Strengthening Good Governance in Primary Schools (SGGPS) in Bangladesh to ensure quality Education.


Dhaka Ahsania Mission as a leading national NGO has been operating pro-poor education program for a long period and have significant contribution in formal and non-formal education. DAM has made significant contribution in the improvement of curriculum, strategy and engagement of different stakeholders in Education sectors. DAM is advocating a long term sustainable and flexible approach in which the drop out and out of school children will get second chance to fulfill their Education rights. The sectoral strategy document on Education both in formal and non formal sector. Good governance provides constitutional and logical framework that support Education for All (EFA).

The Strengthening Good Governance in Primary Schools (SGGPS-MJF) in Bangladesh to ensure quality education project will identify and address the issues causing poor governance resulting low quality performance in primary schools. It will undertake a facilitative process of intervention in the areas to overcome the problems. So that a community led responsive and accountable education management system can come up to deliver the quality primary education. The SGGPS-MJF project will also address the issues e. g. pedagogic issues, community apathy to education, increasing role of LGIs of improve education and create an enabling environment are imperative for ensuring enrollment, retention and quality education in primary schools. Overall objective of SGGPS-MJF project is to establish a community led learning environment in the primary schools in the selected hard to reach areas of Bangladesh for good governance and quality education.

Project Objective:

Active participation of community and other stakeholders in good governance of primary

Education system is achieved in the project areas.


Establish a community led learning environment in the primary schools in the selected hard to reach areas of Bangladesh for good governance and quality education.


    1. Enrollment and retention of the children excluded for different reasons will be increased.
    2. Parents, community and other stakeholders will be sensitized and would play supportive role for good governance and quality Education.
    3. Proactive roles and monitoring capacities of institutions such as CBOs, UPs, Schools, SMCs, PTAs, UP standing committees on education and UZs will be increased for responsive school governance towards quality education.
    4. Alliance and networking at local level and those are linked with regional and central level will be established for integration and replication.
    5. Slow learners of the schools will be on fast track with better performance 6. Lessons learned documented and disseminated for further advocacy.

Who the Project will serve:

The project is expected to benefit the following direct and indirect stakeholders:

  1. School students: 4000
  2. Schools: 29 government primary schools and 19 registered primary schools.
  3. 36 management committee and similar number PTA.
  4. At least 90 teachers from the primary schools.
  5. Approximate 20,000 community people.


Project Duration:    3 Years (From April 2010 to March 2013)


Start date: From April 2010.


Financial Partner (Donor):       Manusher Jonno Foundation


Project Location and number of field office: Upazila: Dharmpasha, District: Sunamgonj (This project is implementing only Dharmapasha Upzilla. We have no another field office.)
Budget with annual break up:  Enclosed hare with an extra sheet.
Number of project staffs and volunteers: Staff: 12 & volunteers- 126.


Contact Person   : Md. Shafiqur Rahman Biswas (Sobuj), Project Coordinator

Email                      : sr.biswas@ahsaniamission.org.bd, sobuj71@yahoo.com
Cell                         :  01671777277


Stop Child Marriage (SCM) Project

Project Introduction: Support girls and young women in Bangladesh to realize their rights to protection and education through reduction of child marriage. This project has 4 themes. 

  • Protection against violence: working for better protection for girls and young women
  • Participation: Participation in socio-political activity by girls and young women
  • Economic participation: Enhancing economic opportunities for girls and young women
  • (post)primary education: Enhancing (secondary) education for girls and young women


Goal and Objective: Goal: Support girls in Bangladesh to realize their rights to protection and education through reduction of child marriage.


Objective: To reduce incidence of child marriage among girls in Upazilas (sub-districts) of four districts in Bangladesh through mass awareness raising and strengthening child protection mechanism against child marriage in order to support girls, right to an education.


Outputsà Resultsà Outcome:


  • Awareness of all levels {community through National} enhanced to reduce child marriage
  • Capacity of formal and informal mechanisms to protect girls against CM are enhanced.


  • Access of families of and target girls to social and economic protection against CM
  • Coalition advocacy by NGOs/ Coalition members to strengthen legal mechanisms to prevent CM is improved.



  • Girls are better prepared and organized to act as change agents at the local and national level to reduce CM.
  • Acceptable of CM in all level in the project working areas is reduced as well as access of girls to social protection is increased.


  • Legal mechanisms to prevent to CM strengthened at the local level through training and coalition Advocacy. Birth Registration system is established within community and government mechanism.
  • Strengthened local and national level alliance of NGOs for coalition lobby and advocacy with policy makers for favorable CR policy is formulated and implemented.


  • Increased number of reports on CM and its related issues are available with agencies and media for future research and practice.


Project Duration: October 2012- 31 March 2016


Start date: October 2012


Financial partner (Donor): Plan Bangladesh


Project Location/s and number of Field offices:  Gazipur district, Dhaka. Field

Offices: Sreepur, and (Gazipur Sadar will be next year).

Budget: Total BDT 38,64,470

Number of project staffs and volunteers : 5


Contact Person      : Md. Shariful Haque, Project Coordinator

E-mail                    :  haque_sharif1957@yahoo.com, Cell : 01718579621




Project Introduction: Girl Power is a five year (2011-2015) is a global program funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs for promoting equal rights and opportunities for girls and young women. This program is being implemented by local civil society organizations (through partners) in 10 countries with a common goal.

Overall Objective: Reducing gender based violence against girls and young women

Specific Objectives:

  • To strengthen civil society organizations on influencing policy through lobby and advocacy to establish rights and justice for girls and young women
  • To increase awareness and sensitize duty bearers on the rights of girls and young women
  • To improve legal protection system for girls and young women
  • To increase capacity of right holders (girls and young women) to protect gender based violence

Outputs: Civil societies are sensitized and capacitated to represent issues related to vulnerable and marginalized girls and young women. They are actively engaging and influencing public decision-making forums to include voices and visibility of girls and young women, also the media is sensitized on this issue.

Project Components: Girls and young women forum, Community based organization, Child protection group and Government institution, civil society organization.

Major Activities:

  • Organize training for individuals (GYW) on CP, CR and communication
  • Provide livelihood training and support
  • Organize annual convention
  • Organize TFD show in the community
  • Organize CR, CP and gender training for local elites, CBOs and other relevant groups
  • Organize advocacy workshop at Upazila/Zone

Project Duration: October 2012 to December 2015

Financial partner (Donor):  Plan International Bangladesh

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Sreepur, Kapasia and Gazipur Sadar upazila in Gazipur district.

Project Budget: Total BDT: 12,094,814

Number of project staffs and volunteers: Regular Staff 6 (M-5, F-1)

Contact Person: Md. Shariful Haque, Project Coordinator

Email: haque_sharif1957@yahoo.com

Cell:  01718579621


Information of Health Monitoring and Advocacy on Safe Motherhood

In Bangladesh significant achievement has been made in maternal mortality by reducing it from 12 to 5 during last one decade. IMR is 53 (2002) and MMR is 320. Maternal mortality has declined during the period of 1992-2002. In 1992 it was 4.7 and in 2002 it was 3.9 per thousand live births (SVRS/2002). But issues relating to safe motherhood are not well responded due to lack of governance, capacity and quality of services by GO and NGO service providers. The weak policy and its application in service provision and institutional management has become a challenge to quality health services, particularly mother and child health care. 

However, despite the fact that Bangladesh has a good coverage in health facilities as described in the government policies, there is an extreme shortage in health providers, with overall shortages as high as 60,000 for doctors and 160,000 for nurses (Bangladesh Health Watch, 2008). There are also huge disparities in the distribution of providers between divisions and between urban and rural areas, with only 16% of qualified doctors practicing in rural areas. Bangladesh has one of the lowest nurse ratios in the world and the capacity of the existing training institutions is insufficient to significantly increase these numbers in the near future (Bangladesh Health Watch, 2008).Severe inadequacy of midwifery trained persons is a major constraint to increasing skilled attendance for births both at home and in facilities. A strategy for increasing midwifery skills in the country has been outlined and accepted. This is an important milestone. It now needs to move rapidly into implementation phases

So considering all these context of the region this project is very essential for the community people.

  • Name of the Project : Health Monitoring and Advocacy on safe Motherhood
  • Objective : To improve governance of health and family planning regarding safe motherhood by health monitoring on the local (Union) level and advocacy on the local and national level
  • Working Area :   Dist: jamalpur, UZ: Dewangong, UP: Hatibhanga, (only one Union)
  • Beneficiary : The ultimate beneficiaries of the project will be the mothers and children and other vulnerable and marginalised rural communities and other marginalised groups. Priority has been given to landless households that are dependent on daily wage labour, the hardcore poor and other vulnerable and marginalised groups within rural communities. A situation analysis will be conducted to determine the target population and establish baseline at project inception.
  • Output
  • Well functioning UP health standing committee (UPSC) for enhancing safe motherhood monitoring system is established and functioning)
  • Improved performance of public  providers for safe motherhood at Union level responsive to quality of health services)
  • Private providers have been sensitized to enhancing safe motherhood
  • Capacity of CBOs has been strengthened to empower women for enhanced safe motherhood
  • a. The Ministry of Health and Family Planning (at district, Upazila, district and national levels) takes steps to improve health service provision for safe motherhood

b. Other NGOs, Unions and Upazilas are planning to replicate the project.

  • Project Cost (Budget) The total budget for three years is 3756135 BDT. (This is only DAM part)
  • Project Period : July 2010 to June 2013 (Now August 2013 because 2 month no cost extension)
  • Donor:  Boom partners in the Netherlands:   (Cordaid, Simavi, Wemos, Woord and Daad)
  • Partners :  Boom partners in Bangladesh:  (CSS, DAM, DORP, RDRS and VERC)
  • Activities
  • Workshop for developing monitoring tools for the UPSC
  • Training of UP standing committee on monitoring tools
  • Training by staff of BOOM members of CBO members and other members of civil society platforms about health service provision for safe motherhood and community mobilization
  • Formation & Orientation of CBO’s or civil society platforms on monitoring system
  • Workshop on monitoring tools with Health and Family Planning officials
  • Support UPHC to organise workshop for private providers
  • Facilitate UPSC to arrange Quarterly consultation meetings with HFP officials for sharing monitoring findings
  • Facilitate CBOs to organise half yearly Union-public hearings with health service providers
  • Organise yearly meeting at national level and make synthesis report.

Contact Person   : Md. Selimuddin, Project Coordinator

E-mail                     : s.uddin@ahsaniamission.org.bd, selim525@yahoo.com,
 Cell                         : 01712-975250


Maternal and Young Child Nutrition Security Initiative (MYCNSI) Project

Project Introduction:The Maternal and Young Child Nutrition Security Initiative (MYCNSI) Project is a joint collaborative effort of Directorate General of Family Planning and UNICEF. The project is implementing at Kaligonj, Assasuni, Shyamnagar and Debhata upazilla in Satkhira district. This is a three years project of UNICEF, funded by European Union, which was started from March 2012. The project is implementing by Dhaka Ahsania Mission with the partnership of CARE Bangladesh at field level. The overall goal of the project is to reduce stunting among young children (0-36months) by 5 percentage points and anaemia in young children (0-23months) and pregnant women by one-third. 16425 pregnant & lactating mothers, 77529 children below 36 months of age are the primary beneficiaries of the project. A total of 1095035 secondary beneficiaries will also be covered during the project period. Project will be implemented through the active involvement of Community Facilitators and Community Health & Nutrition Volunteers, union level MOH&FW staffs. All interventions of the project will be implemented through community clinic. FWA is assigned for distributing MNP, IYCF counseling, PNGOs will create demand in the community for health services and will conduct home counseling on IYCF. MNP supplementation, IYCF counseling, behavior change communication, hygiene promotion, screening of sick and malnourished children, community mobilization are the major interventions of the project to address the nutrition multi-sectorally. 

Goal and Objective:

Stunting among young children (0-36 months) will be reduced by 5 percentage points, and anaemia in young children (0-23 months) and pregnant women will be reduced by one-third
Specific objectives

At the community level:

  1. Strengthen the capacity of community clinic management committee to address nutrition multi-sectorally
  2. Conduct home counselling and peers support groups on maternal nutrition, infant and young child feeding, hygiene and care practices
  3. Promote and raise awareness on treatment of maternal and infant and young child anaemia
  4. Community treatment of uncomplicated cases of severe acute malnutrition
  5. Implement the behaviour change communication strategy

Outputsà Resultsà Outcome:




  • Stunting and anaemia objectives reflected in NGO activities
  • Integrated IYCF action plans in place and endorsed by all stakeholders
  • Training materials rolled-out
  • MUAC tapes available with staff and volunteers
  • Nutrition Treatment available to community-based SAM case
  • IEC materials available in community and household
  • Gaps in health service and needs identified and addressed through appropriate channels
  • Master trainers with skills to  implement training
  • Supervisors capable  of providing support
  • Workers/volunteers with skills to implement the package
  • Volunteers undergo 1 day/mth refresher training
  • Supportive supervision completed at all levels
  • Peer support groups and household counseling active at community level
  • Sick children referred
  • Uncomplicated SAM cases treated in community
  • “Tippy-tap” set up in homes, community and community-based institutions
  • IEC material visible in community/Household
  • Planned advocacy events attended by targeted stakeholders
  • Planned mass media implemented
  • Targeted caregivers reached with mass media messages on the package
  • UP HH enrolled in safety net and social protection programs.
–  80% NGO activities have nutrition objective(s) by 2013-  90% Community clinics have an integrated action plan by 2014 

–  100% Master trainers score 100% or more on post-test by 2012

–  90% supervisor score 85% or more on competency skills based assessment by 2014

–  90% workers/ volunteers pass supervisory assessment

–  90% volunteers attended monthly refresher trainings

–  70% peer support groups meeting on a monthly basis by 2013

–  90% target household receive counselling on a monthly basis by 2013

–  70% uncomplicated SAM cases treated in community

–  90% target household with tippy-tap by 2012

–  100% campaign have IEC materials visible in the community

–  90% planned advocacy events conducted

–  90% planned mass media campaign conducted

70% of peer support groups able to recall on messages from the last mass media campaign

–  100% identified ultra- poor households enrolled in an appropriate safety net or social protection programs.

IYCF Breastfeeding 

  • Early Initiation of BF
  • Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months
  • Continued breastfeeding to 1 year
  • Continued breastfeeding to 2 years


Complementary feeding

  • Introduction of solid, semi-solid and soft foods, 6-8 months
  • Minimum dietary diversity , 6-23 months
  • Minimum meal frequency  6-23 months
  • Minimum acceptable diet, 6-23 months
  • Consumption of iron-rich (or iron-fortified) foods, 6-23 months
  • Individual diet diversity, 24-35 months

Consumption of animal products, 6-35 months

Improved Iron/MN Intake

  •  Coverage of MNPs

Utilization of MNPs


Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)

The project will serve 16425 pregnant & lactating mothers, 77529 children below 36 months of age and 1095035 secondary beneficiaries (Fathers, grandmothers, in-laws and other caregivers, community clinic management committee and community).


Project Duration:  20.05 months (01 March, 2012 to 15 November, 2013)

Start date: March 01, 2012

Financial partner (Donor): UNICEF and European Union

Implementing partner (if any): Dhaka Ahsania Mission and CARE Bangladesh

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:

Kaligonj, Assasuni, Shyamnagar and Debhata upazillas of Satkhira district.

Number of field office: 01 (Hospital road, Kaligonj, Satkhira)

Budget with annual breakup:

FY 2013-14: Tk. 573155.00

Number of project staffs and volunteers:    Project staffs-45,   Volunteers-960

Contact Person   :     Mr. Dewan Sohrab Uddin, Head of sector

E-mail                 :     ds.uddin@ahsaniamission.org.bd,
E-mail                 :     sohrabuddin.dam@gmail.com
Cell : 01712024697


Strengthening the Rural Health Service at Grass Root Level of Bangladesh

Project Introduction:Bangladesh government is committed to provide highest level of health care services to all of its citizens, but majority (60%) of the people, especially the rural poor have limited access to heath care information and services. Maternal and neonatal mortality rates are still unacceptably high. More than 90% of the deliveries are conducted at home, mostly (87%) by unskilled birth attendants.The government has set community clinics (CC) in rural areas which are semi active and each CC will cover 6000 rural population. There is a plan of community led management committee to run the CC effectively. If these community centres can run as per their charter a positive change in the rural health, especially maternal and child health of the poor and marginalized people will be improved significantly. 

But the reality is the community people are not aware enough about the charter of these clinics, the Local Government representatives are not sufficiently involved in activating these centers, the service providers do not remain present as per their schedule. It is evident from the first phase of the project on strengthen the existing health service of Bangladesh.
Project Goal and objective:
Goal: To establish health rights of rural community through improving governance of community clinics, by increasing access to quality health services and reducing child and maternal mortality.


  • To improve quality, accessibility, availability and affordability of  health service delivery by strengthening the governance of the  54 community clinics management committee and 18 standing committee of the Union Parishad in selected  rural areas of Bangladesh
  • To aware community people, especially the women and other marginalised people on Community Clinics and its services especially on 3D i.e. Delay in access to information, Delay in reaching health care, and Delay in delivering health care in 18 unions of 9 upazila.
  • To document lessons learned and good practices to disseminate and
  • To conduct Lobby-advocacy jointly with other networks on TRIPS and to improve the quality of service delivery of CC to contribute to the MDG Goals 4 and 5.

Results, Outcome:


  • Capacity of management committee members and  service providers of community clinics in rural areas is enhanced and health service delivery is improved.
  • Community people, especially the women, minorities and adivashi people are aware on health service providing centers, citizen charter, Primary Health Care, 3 delays of pregnant women and right based issues.
  • Women and children health in project area is improved and MMR and child mortalities decreased
  • Capacity of 18 health standing committee of  local government, especially the Union parishad is enhanced and they are active in regular monitoring of CCs
  • 18 Citizens committee at community level are organized to play the role of watch dog of community clinics


Outcome: Capacity of CC management committee, service providers and Union standing committee will be improved, maternal mortality will be reduced.


Who the Project will Serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)

Adult Men-26379, Adult Women-27814, Girl Child-6708, Boys Child-6559, AG-4533, AB-5470.

Project Duration: 3 Years (1 March 2012 to 28 February 2015)

Start date: 1 March 2012.

Financial partner (Donor): Cordaid the Netherlands

Implementing partner (if any): DAM, DORP, RDRS, ADD, CUB, SPD, PHREB, VARD and VERC.

Project Locations and number of field offices:

  • Location:  UP- Natima, Jadabpur. UZ- Mohespur, Dist- Zhenaidah.
  • field offices:  01

Budget with annual breakup:  Total budget 550400

Number of Project staffs and Volunteers:

    • Project staffs: FF-02 and central Focal person-01
    • Volunteers: 06 Support groups, 66 Members, Female-30, Male-36.

Contact Person   : A,R,M Sharif Hossain, Focal Person, Safe Motherhood project

E-mail                     : arms.hossain@ahsaniamission.org.bd
Cell                          : 01817543097


Effort for Orphan Children Development (EOCD) Project

Project Name: Effort for Orphan Children Development (EOCD) Project

Project Introduction: The risk of an orphan child finding itself in difficult circumstances has grown tremendously. Many orphan children in the proposed project target location was born from poor families are faced with numerous risks. They are vulnerable to chronic hunger, parentlessness, neglect, abandonment, sickness, malnutrition, illiteracy, child labour, abuse and exploitation. Most vulnerable orphan children lack access to basic needs like food, health, housing, clothing, education, social and child protection services. Thus they live in utter poverty. Earning members of these orphan families are unable to cope-up with these vulnerabilities and survival becomes difficult.
To get rid of the situation, the proposed project, implemented by DAM   has a plan to work with 200 nos orphan children with a view to transforming their lives as productive member of the society. The project will undertake some activities like education support, food support, health care support and community based protection support during seven months project period at Debhata upazilla of Satkhira district in Bangladesh

Project Agreement Number: DAM/025/005/2021

Overall Objective:By 2021, all targeted orphan children in selected areas of Sathkira district live in a improve, secure and supportive environment that is conducive to orphan child growth and development

Specific Objectives:

  • To ensure 200 orphan children’s quality education, nutrition and health care support in 2021 within project’s framework
  • To ensure protection of 200 orphan children from violence and abuse in 2021 within project framework


1.1: Orphan children receive quality formal education (round the year) following Bangladesh Government’s
formal education (both primary and secondary) standards;
1.2: Orphan children have access to nutritious meals (following Bangladesh child nutrition standard) that assist
them to become healthy;
1.3: Orphan children get improve health care (both physical and mental- both primary and advanced) following
Bangladesh government and WHO/UNICEF standards;
2.1: Orphan children have access to community based protection and care services (following different NGOs
best practices/models) that enable them to secure their basic rights

Project Components:

  • Orphan children receive quality formal education (round the year) following Bangladesh government’s formal education (both primary and secondary) standards;
  • Orphan children have access to nutritious meals (following Bangladesh child nutrition standard) that assist them to become healthy
  • Orphan children get improve health care (both physical and mental- both primary and advanced) following Bangladesh government and WHO/UNICEF standards;
  • Orphan children have access to community based protection and care services (following different NGOs best practices/models) that enable them to secure their basic rights

Major Activities:

  • Enroll 100 numbers of orphan children in 22 numbers of primary /secondary school (20) at the beginning of the project period;
  • Continue supports to 100numbers of orphan children to get admitted in new classes/grades in 24 numbersof primary /secondary school (20) at the beginning of the project period;
  • Provide  school   tuition fees and materials (Note book, pen, pencil, sharpener, school uniform, school bag, shoes, school examination fee, school admission fee and others  relevant  fee etc.)
  • Organize creative events like Puzzle game, drawing, essay competition and prize distribution at union level
  • Provide support to celebrate festival for all selected orphan
  • Provide special coaching for all orphan children
  • Provide food items to the orphan children
  • Facilitate caregiver to develop Linkages with service provider (Govt. & non Govt.) for increasing family income
  • Provide medical care to the orphan children (Doctors consultation fees, medicine & hygiene materials
  • Organize training for staff on psychosocial issues
  • Provide psychosocial support to the individual, families and community level (Counseling) by trained project staff
  • Provide health card   among the orphan children
  • Provide issue based awareness session  (Child marriage, trafficking, child rights; abuse both physical and mental etc) for orphan, caregivers& community people
  • Form child protection and safe guarding committee involving different stakeholders from community
  • Organize training for child protection and safe guarding committee for conducting issue based session & community monitoring
  • Organize child protection and safe guarding committee   meeting

Project Participants (Direct): [ During Total Project Year)






Adult Literacy & CE






































Indirect Beneficiaries (by age)[During Total Project Year)






Senior Citizen(61+)
























Total Beneficiaries= 751         direct =200, Indirect= 551

  • Project Duration: June 2021 to May 2022
  • Financial partner (Donor): Penny Appeal UK
  • Implementing partner (if any):Dhaka Ahsania Mission
  • Project Location (District & Upazila): Name and number= Debhata Upazila-Satkhira District
  • Number of Field offices:  One Field Office
  • Project Budget (Total): BDT. 96,28,479.00
  • Number of project staffs and volunteers :

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer














Contact Person:

Name & Designation: Sk. Mahabbat Hossen, Team Leader, Rights and Governance Sector
Cell:    +8801716054610