Akbar Ali Khan Dhaka Ahsania Mission School Construction, Kushtia

Project Name: Akbar Ali Khan Dhaka Ahsania Mission School Construction, Kushtia

Project Introduction:Over recent years, Bangladesh has achieved many significant successes in education provision. Kushtia is a southwestern district of Bangladesh, with Kushtia city serving as the district headquarters. The economy of Kushtia district is largely based on agrarian activities, with farming providing 52% of the district’s income. The average literacy rate in the district is only 40%, while the female literacy rate is even lower (37%) (Source: Banglapedia). DAM is a recognized and experienced practitioner in the Bangladesh education sector. DAM runs numerous educational institutions including at school-, college-, university- and vocational training institute-levels. This national education experience provides a strong foundation on which enrolment efforts will be built.
The approach used in Kushtia is based on similar DAM programmes in Dhaka City, for instance the Ahsania Mission School and College (http://ahmsc.edu.bd/). Lessons from similar projects will inform the proposed work in Kushtia. The school will be established on land that has been donated by Mrs. Roushon Akhter Begum and others (a local philanthropic family). The land has been donated to support the promotion of education, especially for children from poor and middle-income families. The proposed school will be open for all children; however, children from urban poor and marginal income families will get priority and/or will be provided with support, such as tuition fee waiver and stipend.

Project Agreement Number: Not Applicable

Overall Objective: Functioning a standard school campus for quality education in Kushtia city, Bangladesh

Specific Objectives: Ensure comprehensive Early Childhood Development, Primary and Secondary education for the children of Kushtia.


  • Developed ECD corner along with finalizing the school design.
  • Construction of the first two floors of the building and ready to accommodate the Junior Secondary Education programme (Grades 6 to 8).

Project Components:  Early Childhood Development, Primary and Secondary education provision.

Major Activities:

  • Physical Construction of School building as per engineering drawing & design
  • Construction & Set-up of ECD Corner
  • Construction & Set-up of Secondary School (Class 6 to 8 at initial stage)

Project Participants (Direct): 170 children per year

ECD (Age 3 to 5)

Children groups



Group total








20 [+40]




20 [+40]

Yearly target (Enrolment)

(20 New, 40 from previous class)

(20 New, 40 from previous class)



(20 Pre-primary graduation)

(20 Pre-primary graduation)





3 Tutors + 1 ECD Lead

JSC (Age 11 to 14)

Student group



Class-wise total students

Class 6




Class 7



30 [+80]

Class 8



20 [+70]

Yearly target students

(40 New, 70 from previous class)

(40 New, 80 from previous class)

170 (+150)


(20 Pre-primary graduation)

(20 Pre-primary graduation)


Number of subject teachers



5 subject teachers+
1 Head teacher, 1 ICT teacher & 1 physical teacher

Project Duration:  1 April 2023 to 30 May 2024.
Financial partner (Donor):  DAM UK
Implementing partner (if any): DAM Own
Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Kushtia city (11 Zoarder Street, Thanapara, Kushtia)
Project Budget:  GBP 117,434
Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer













Contact Person:

Adolescent and Youth as an Agent of Change to Promote a Progressive Society (AYD)

Project Name: Adolescent and Youth as an Agent of Change to Promote a Progressive Society (AYD)

Project Introduction:
The project ‘Adolescent and Youth as an Agent of Change to Promote a Progressive Society (AYD)’ aims to empower adolescents and youth to exercise active citizenship. The project targets the adolescents and youths (age group of 12-24 years) who have little experience in decision-making or participating in public forums, and whose poverty, race or class keeps them at the edges of society. The project operates centering around 20 targeted communities under Dhaka and Narayangonj district. The project forms 20 Adolescents and Youth Clubs (AYC) with 1000 adolescents and youth centering in 20 targeted communities under Dhaka district. The project undertakes various adolescent and youth empowerment initiatives with the purpose of improving the living standards of these young people through facilitating life skills educations. Through the process, these youths become active citizens who are aware of their rights and have greater capacity and opportunity to contribute at personal, communal and local development solutions. Under the project, selected adolescents and youth of AYCs will be capacitated to act as resource pool to roll out learnings such as Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), Problem Solving, Stress management, Communication, Negotiation and leadership among their peers, schools and communities. The project coordinates with relevant civil society organizations, and Government line departments functioning in the targeted areas in order to support operation, share best practices, reduce overlapping and increase synergy. The project also includes parents, teachers,and local government representatives to accept, recognize and support this young force as active future leaders.

Project Agreement Number:BD2066

Overall Objective: Contribute to the development of optimum potentialities of Adolescents & Youth towards the socio-economic development.

Specific Objectives:BD2066.SO1 Adolescents and youths as positive change agent of the society, exercising their rights and enjoying smooth transition to adulthood through capitalizing their knowledge and skills at all level.


  • BD2066.SO1.R1 Adolescents and youth are capacitated to utilize their full potential for exercising their rights to participation
  • BD2066.SO1.R2 A&Y life skill is enhanced that contribute for smooth transition of their roles
  • BD2066.SO1.R3 Adolescent and youth potential and technical skills is enhanced for accessing decent work
  • BD2066.SO1.R4 5 Adolescents and youths of ESN’s rights is recognized and livelihood is mainstreamed in the community

Project Components: Adolescent & Youth Development
Major Activities:

  • BD2066.SO1.R1.01 Build capacity to strengthen A&Y agency
  • BD2066.SO1.R1.02 Collaboration to sensitize key stakeholders to provide A&Y responsive service delivery
  • BD2066.SO1.R1.03 Facilitate Youth-led Community Based Child Protection System (YLCBCPC)
  • BD2066.SO1.R2.01 Facilitate life-skills education to A&Y 
  • BD2066.SO1.R2.02 Facilitate cultural, co-curricular activities and sports for development
  • BD2066.SO1.R3.01 Provide employability related skills to the targeted A&Y
  • BD2066.SO1.R3.02 Creating networking and collaboration with employer and key stakeholders
  • BD2066.SO1.R4 ESN (Educo execution)

Project Participants (Direct):[During Total Project Year)






Adult Literacy & CE




































1000 Adolescents & Youth (girls 500, boys 500)of the targeted communities in Dhaka and Narayangonj districts.

Indirect Beneficiaries (by age)[During Total Project Year)





Senior Citizen(61+)





















Total Beneficiaries= Direct: 1000 Adolescents & Youth (girls 500, boys 500). Indirect: Parents + local governments + community people

Project Duration:January 2021 to December 2022
Financial partner (Donor):Education and Development Foundation- Educo
Implementing partner (if any):N/A
Project Location (District &Upazila):Dhaka District (Thana/Upazila- Mohammadpur, Hazaribag, Banani, Vatara, Badda, Khilgaon, Kadamtoli), and NarayanganjDistrict (Thana/Upazila- Rupganj)
Number of Field offices: N/A
Project Budget:4179984 BDT (Year 1)
Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer













Contact Person:Md. Shanawaz, Program Coordinator (PQE & AYD), Education Sector
Email:dampc.pqe.ayd@gmail.com, Cell:+8801719209881

ICH Project

Project Name: Research on ICH Contribution to SDGs-Education and Community Development.
Project Introduction:
Bangladesh has a rich tradition in cultural heritage, especially intangible cultural heritage (ICH), which is the common heritage of humanity and a precious asset that should be creatively transmitted to the future generation. It is well-known that every society has their own cultural heritage and of those some are so strong that they are branded with the name of that country and event accepted by the UNESCO as world heritage. UNESCO emphasizes the potential contribution of culture, in particular, to the implementation of the SDGs.  In its continuity the International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage (IRCI) in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI) conducted the 2-year project that testifies ICH contribution to SDG 4 (Quality Education), mainly the target 4.7, starting from 2018 in the Philippines and Vietname, which was successfully completed in the Philippines and Vietnam. There is confirmation that ICH, contributes to SDG  4.  Educational materials are used to help students acquire knowledge and skills in targeting for non-formal education and formal education respectively.So, this new project was initiatedand the project aims to analyze their relationships and clarify ICH roles in SDG 4 and SDG 11 by collecting a series of case studies in different countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In cooperation with counterparts, IRCI will compare, analyze good practices that combine ICH, education and community development to testify ICH contribution to SDGs and utilize the outcomes for safeguarding ICH effectively. Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) has also been selected for ICH Dhamail (song & dance) as the implementing counterparts by IRCIof this project.The key aspect of the project is to promote active engagement of young people in developing bondage between ICH Dhamail, education and community development and effectively contribute to the SDG and preserve it.
Project Agreement Number:Ref. No. APC2C/35
Overall Objective:
The focus of this proposed project is to conduct a research work, where collecting data and preparation of manuscripts on a case study regarding Education and Community Development through using Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) will be carried out on the ‘Dhamail’ dance and song that can effectively contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Development (SDG 4 and SDG 11)..Along each of its several dimensions – economic, social and environmental peace and security for various social and small groups that can lead by young people of Haor (Wetland) area.
Specific Objectives:

  • To analyze the knowledge and role of ICH relationship in the implementation of SDG 4 and SDG 11 using a case study on ‘Dhamail’ (ICH).
  •  To analyze future perspectives and challenges related to ICH: contributions to SDGs. Analyze data and prepare effective reports where all recommendations will be illustrated.
  •  To analyze the opportunity to increase the efforts to spread Dhamail as a cultural heritage as a guarantee of its protection.
  • Conducting research work on Dhamail in the Haor (wetlands) area of ​​four Upazillas of Sunamganj district-where it can contribute to the development of youth-led education, economic development of various social and minority groups, social and environmental peace and security Caught.


  • Analyzed the knowledge of relationships and the ICH roles in realization of SDG 4 and SDG 11.
  • Analyzed the future perspectives and challenges regarding the ICH contributions to SDGs
  • Analyzed the scope and opportunities of increasing efforts to transmit Dhamail as cultural heritageto guarantee its safeguarding
  • Analyzed data and prepared an effective report where Illustrate all recommendations

Project Component: Research Work
Major Activities:

  • Develop research tools (online & field based both) and
  • Team orientation for the project Staff /Data Collectors
  • Conduct survey mainly desk survey (online, zoom, Skype & social distance)
  • Computer Data Entry
  • Data analysis, draft report preparation and share
  • Final report submission to IRCI

Project Participants[ During Total Project Year) First of all, the 4 Unions of 4 Upazilas will be selected randomly using random sampling technique from the Sunamgonj district. Qualitative data will be collected from the Dhamail group members, parents and CMC members and youths will be conducted Focus Group Discussion with semi structured questionnaire, and Key Informant Interview (KII) will be held with the teachers, educationists, social workers, local government institution and cultural group members.
Dhamail group member and the youth engaged directly or indirectly with this ICH will be singled out and 100 (Approximately 25 in each Union) of them will be randomly selected using random sampling technique. Apart from the group member and the youths, FGD and KII will be conducted with the teachers, educationists, social workers, local government institution members and cultural group members of targeted 4 Unions.
Directly. Direct observations of Dhamail will also be made by the youths and the Dhamail group. Youth (18-25): M: 100 & F: 100
Dhamail group (Adult age 26-60) M: 100 & F: 100
IndirectlyBeneficiaries with this ICH will be teachers, educationists, social workers, local government institution members (M- 200 & F-200)
Total Beneficiaries=           direct = 400 & Indirect= 400
Project Duration:

  • PHASE1 &2 in FY2020 (October 2020 – March 2021)
  • PHASE 3 inFY2021 (April 2021 – March 2022)

Financial partner (Donor):International Research Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia –Pacific Region (IRCI)
Implementing partner (if any):Not applicable
Project Location (District & Upazila), Name and number= TheProject location are 4 Upazilas of Sunamgonj District. These are South Sunamgonj, Bishwamvarpur,Diraiand Taherpur.
Number of Field offices:Not applicable
Project Budget (Total): BTD TK. 15,656,68/-  for PHASE1 &2 in FY2020 (October 2020 – March 2021)
Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer

04 0 4 8    

Contact Person:
Md. Matiar Rahman, Program Officer,
Email: mdmatiar77@gmail.com
Cell: 01918954480

Words To Reality

Project Name: Words To Reality: Promoting Street Children’s Rights in Bangladesh

Project Introduction:
In Bangladesh major problems of street children includes insecure life; physical and sexual abuse by adults of the immediate community; harassment by law enforcing agencies; no, or inadequate, access to educational institutions and healthcare facilities; and lack of decent employment opportunity while thousands of children on the streets of Bangladesh are being denied their rights according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which recognizes that every child is entitled to a standard of living adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. The project should address on the issues of children’s basic education with a special model like multi-grade teaching learning approach, Child protection, prevention of child marriage, illegal use of drugs, prevention of child Labor, etc. Besides, services like TVET support, health hazards issues with medical support, injury at work, protection used during work, living conditions and social support like arrange sleeping place, bed for sleeping, ensure access to bath & toilet facilities, food intake: Frequency, place, starvation, winter clothing, etc should be ensured by the respective ministry those are working for the development of street children. The project should also build the capacity of law enforcement agency and other service provides on child rights issue.

Project Agreement Number: NOV 2018-05 12
Overall Objective:Street children will understand rights, be listened to and taken seriously by authorities. Changing how government and communities view them will help authorities accept their legal protection responsibility. This bold approach of putting street children at the center is new for Bangladesh. We will create street child taskforces and strengthen civil society networks. We will work with the Government to implement UN guidance to improve laws and policies that impact street children’s rights and well-being.

Specific Objectives:
This project will influence how street children are treated – changing their lives in the long run for the better. While the government is now making positive public commitments, unless street children’s voices are heard, any changes that take place will not achieve what street children need-which is agency and influence over decisions taken about them. Street children need to be at the center of the changes required to address their needs. In 3 years, significant steps can take place along the path to sustainable change. Spaces for dialogue will be created and become the norm, public discourse can take street children seriously, and government policies and practices can serve and protect them better. This will ultimately lead to an improvement in the lives and well-being of street children.

  • 1.1.3 1 local child-led action / advocacy plan produced by street girls and boys in Barisal, and 1 national child-led action / advocacy plan produced by street girls and boys in Dhaka
  • 1.1.4 At least 1 national-level dialogue, 1 local-level dialogue in Dhaka and 1 local-level dialogue in Barisal has taken place
  • 1.2.1 12 quarterly meetings of the Street Child Activist Network (SCAN) held, including 3 with participation from street girls and boys
  • 1.2.2 50+ street workers / NGOs trained on street children’s rights, government obligations and advocacy skills
  • 1.2.4 1 action / advocacy plan produced by SCAN
  • 1.2.5 Public awareness campaign with street children and SCAN conducted in Dhaka in Barisal.
  • 1.3.1 1 cross-sector body established comprising government officials and civil society members
  • 1.3.2 At least 2 dialogues with police officers and transport workers at local level in Dhaka and Barisal and one dialogue with politicians at national level in Dhaka.
  • 1.3.3 6 quarterly meetings held between government and civil society, of which at least 1 with participation from street girls and boys

Project Components:
Major Activities: Facilitate consultations where street children taskforces can gather views of other street children to be included in the plan/strategy Advocate for the creation of a cross-sector body on street children to be hosted by the government. Facilitate dialogue between street children and government, both at local level in Dhaka and Barisal, and with national level government in Dhaka Facilitate quarterly SCAN meetings Facilitate three SCAN meetings (one per year) together with the central street children taskforce (included in 12 quarterly meetings) Conduct 1 training for SCAN members on UN General Comment and government obligations, and 1 training on developing and conducting effective advocacy Based on outcomes from assessment, and child-led advocacy plan, support SCAN to develop an action plan and advocacy strategy with input / feedback from central street children taskforce Develop a public awareness campaign plan and materials in collaboration with street children and SCAN Advocate for the creation of a cross-sector body on street children to be hosted by the government Roundtable with government officials, civil society (and if appropriate street children) on street children’s rights and government obligations Facilitate quarterly meetings between government (including police, local elected government members or councilors, government school teachers, Family Planning Office representatives) and civil society (informally until formal cross-sector body is established) – at least once per year with central street child taskforce.

Project Participants (Direct):[During Total Project Year)






Adult Literacy & CE























Homeless or street child, floating kids who lives on the street, in particular one that isnot taken care of by a parent or other adults and who sleeps on the street and the peoples who abuse children.
Indirect Beneficiaries (by age)[During Total Project Year)





Senior Citizen(61+)












Total Beneficiaries=  200+ street-children, 10+ government ministries/departments, 30+ public transport workers, 30+ police officers, 50+ street-workers, 20+ community leaders in Dhaka/Barisal.

Project Duration:10/01/2019- 09/30/2022

Financial partner (Donor):Commonwealth Foundation through Consortium for Street Children (CSC)

Implementing partner (if any):Local Education and Economic Development Organization (LEEDO), GrambanglaUnnayan Committee (GUC).

Project Location (District &Upazila):Dhaka city. Name and number=

Number of Field offices:N/A

Project Budget (Total):33,88,504 BDT.

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer









Contact Person:
Md. Zulficar Motin, Project Coordinator
Email: damdic.pc@gmail.com, Cell: :+8801715011175

Home for hope: Girl Emergency Night-shelter

Project Name: Home for hope: Girl Emergency Night-shelter

Programme Context : Night shelter provision is an integrated project of the DiC.
The night shelter pilot project was operated from Mohammadpur Drop-in Centre. Each evening the Night Shelter provided services for girls in crisis who had no homes to which they could return. The Night Shelter was overseen by a House Mother who was in-charge of the shelter, taking care of the physical and mental health of the girls. The House Mother reported to the DiC Manager, ensuring that the Night Shelter coordinated with the ongoing day-time services. The girls were each provided with a mattress and pillow, enabling them to sleep soundly each night away from the dangers of the street. Mosquito nets/spray were provided to reduce the risk of malaria and dengue fever. Toiletries and towels were available to provide the beneficiaries the dignity of cleanliness. The targeted beneficiaries were at particular risk and so the Night Shelter provided food, morning and evening for the girls.

Key Achievements:
The night shelter successfully identified and enrolled vulnerable girls at the Night Shelter. In total, 12 street- and working girls have benefitted from the project, receiving food, counselling, medical support and education. There are currently six girls staying at the Night Shelter (the latest COVID lock-down has hampered the ability of the team to identify four new beneficiaries, a task that will be completed as soon as the situation allows).

The Night Shelter provides a platform from which the girls can build. Of the six girls currently at the Night Shelter, five are enrolled in vocational training (tailoring (x2), beautician (x2) and driving) and the other in education with the support of DiC project. Without the opportunity to stay at the Night Shelter, the girls would have been exposed to considerable risk and hardship spending each night on the streets, making enrolment in vocational training unlikely.
A total of six girls have graduated from the Night Shelter. Four of the girls who stayed in the Night Shelter have been reintegrated with family (one of whom is enrolled in formal education) and one, following vocational training, has a job in the garments sector.

With the support of the DiC 10 girls at the Night Shelter received training on Life Skills and six girls received training on Leadership. It is most encouraging that, in a year disrupted by COVID, 67% of the beneficiaries of the Night Shelter are in ongoing education, vocational training or formal employment. It can be confidently asserted that, without the Night Shelter, these positive outcomes would not have been achieved. A further 25% are in more settled family arrangements.

At a glance Project Summary
Project Name: Home for hope: Girl Emergency Night-shelter

Donor: DAM,UK (Read foundation)

Project location: Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Project duration: March 2020 to December 2022

Beneficiaries: Total number of direct beneficiaries: 40 (Female), Target: 50.

Project Budget and Contributions (If any): BDT 15,78,623

Number of project staffs and volunteers: 3 Female persons of Regular Staff

The overall objective of the Night Shelter is to:

  • Build the self-esteem of street and working children, enabling them to develop as responsible citizens.

The specific objectives of the initiative are as follows:

  • Working and street girls protected from the risks associated with living and sleeping on the streets;
  • Working and street girls provided with basic amenities (food, health care, clothes, toiletries) and recreational opportunities to afford them a dignified life;
  • Lessons learnt from this pilot project of wrap-around care for street and working children are documented and disseminated.

Target Beneficiaries: The targeted beneficiaries are all girls, vulnerable due to the following characteristics –

  • Aged 8 – 18 years;
  • Living and/or working on the street;
  • Attending DiC activities during the day-time;
  • Without a continuous relationship with their family;
  • Subject to physical, psychological or sexual abuse.


  • Identify the Children’s;
  • Secure night shelter provision;
  • Provide necessary services like nutritious food, health care, Personal hygiene and medical facilities.
  • Provide recreational facilities and others services like non formal educations and vocational training.

Contact Person:
Project Coordinator, Home for Hope Girls Emergency Night Shelter Project
Email: damdic.pc@gmail.com, Cell: +8801715011175

Cold Wave Preventative Assistance to the Cold Affected People in North, North East and Southern parts of Bangladesh

Project Name: “Cold Wave Preventative Assistance to the Cold Affected People in North, North East and Southern parts of Bangladesh”.
Project Introduction: Street and working children desperately need warm clothes to get protection from cold but these poor children face shivery cold with bare body. Street and slum children have to live nearby streets in cold breeze without warm clothes which gets them pneumonia, fever and many other seasonal ailments. But, in this winter, these poor street children may get protection from cold with woolen Dress (jacket, sweater, woolen cap, Hand gloves and warm). This good deed may be possible by our support.

Project Agreement Number: N/A

Overall Objective:  To alleviate cold wave sufferings of cold affected vulnerable families during the winter season in different districts of Bangladesh

Specific Objectives:
Outcome 1: Increased access to warm clothes and urgent necessities among vulnerable families in different districts of Bangladesh to reduce their sufferings from cold
Outcome.2: Increased access to warm clothes among children in 5 Schools under the education programme and street children in Dhaka and Chattogram
Output 1.1: 4895 households received winter warm clothes (For other Partner)
Output 1.2: Targeted households received cash grant BDT 3000 (For other Partner)
Output 2.1: 1,852 received winter warm clothes (For other Partner)
Output 2.2: 800 street children received warm clothes (For DAM)

Project Components: Street Connected Children without warm clothes or blankets or have no/very less ability to afford warm clothes or blankets for their family members including children, persons with disabilities.

Major Activities:
Winter package for school children:

  • 1 Pc Hoody/ jacket with MA logo for each child (one item will be selected during procurement based on the requirement, availability in the market, quality and price)
  • 1 pc Woolen Trouser/ Pant
  • 1 pair Socks for each child’s
  • 1 pc Chopstick/Vaseline- for each student
  • 1 Supplying distribution Bag with MA logo (both side)
  • Selection of location, partners and beneficiaries
  • Procurement Process
  • Coordination
  • Cash distribution (for other Partners)
  • Field Monitoring
  • Documentation & Reporting
  • Post distribution monitoring (PDM)

Project Participants (Direct):

Children (0-10)

Adolescent (11-17)

Youth (18-25)

Adult (26-60)

Senior Citizen (61+)






















Project Duration: 1 December 2022 to 31 January 2023

Financial partner (Donor):  Muslim Aid-UK

Implementing partner (if any):  RDRS, SKS Foundation, ESDO & BNSB

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Dhaka and Chattogram District, Bangladesh

Project Budget: BDT. 954,150/-

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer














Contact Person: Md. Moniruzzaman, Joint Director, Education & TVET Sector
Email: monirdameducation@gmail.com, Cell: 88 01714948567

Light of Life A Change (LiLAC)

Under the financial support from Society General- France Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been implementing 2nd phase of the project “Light of Life; A Change: LiLAC” project in partnership with CARE Bangladesh in Uttara area under Dhaka City Corporation and Gazipur City Corporation (Tongi area) under Gazipur district from June 2012 for covering 22 months period. CARE Bangladesh is also facilitating the external relation with the project counterparts. Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been established 2 community vocational training center in the catchments area. One center has been established at Uttara Model Town (sector 10) in July 2012 and another one VTC was established in January 2013 in Tongi area. As per the project plann the two centers will cover training for 1250 working children. Already training of 550 selected working children have been completed and training for 700 children is going on.Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been providing 3-months duration short time trade based basic training for development of professional competency of the working children. In addition technical training the project ensuring non-technical training like- life skill and career building. The trades are selected based on previous experience of 1st phase project and Dhaka Ahsania Mission experience and learners survey record. Also consultation with the parents and community committee, employers as well as considering the aspiration and aptitude of the learner’s through individual discussion.

The Selected Trades are:

  • Dress Making and Tailoring
  • Electrical House Working
  • Beautification
  • Embroidery (Kartchupi and Hand Stitch).
  • Mobile Phone Servicing
  • Block-Boutique

Main activities:

  • Establish two Community Based Professional Training Centers
  • Provide professional skills development training for 1250 working children
  • Provide advance level career building training
  • Sale & information centers
  • Production centers
  • Partnership, networking and Advocacy


The specific objective of the project is to increase sustainable livelihood opportunity in formal economic sector through establishing their dignity and social inclusion especially for girls. The working children will have expand opportunities by developing marketable skills which improved their positions in the workplace, reduced vulnerability to exploitation, and exercised greater control over their lives. Technical & Vocational Skills Training, Non-Technical Skills Training (Life skill & Career building, Employment Support Services, Market Linkage, Production & Sales Center, Information Center

Expected results:

  • Community based two Professional Training Centers are established to provide technical and non-technical skills on selected market demandable trades.
  • Increased empowerment opportunities of the graduates which enable them to find employment and income and to deal better with general social and livelihood issue.
  • Through the development of career building skills (advanced level), working children enhance their technical job knowledge, management skills, leadership skills and acceptable persona attributes.
  • Working children enjoy enabling working environment and ensure their benefits.

Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)

Working children of 15 to 17 years old of the families who are engaged in daily labour, rickshaw puller, industry labour and house maids and community people of the project area will be given priority during selection. The girl children are also given preference to access in service. More than 50% girls will get benefits from the project.

Project Duration: 22 months

Start date: 01 June 2012

Financial partner (Donor): Society General through CARE France

Supporting agency (if any): CARE Bangladesh

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:

Project office: House # 67, Flat- B, Road # 11, Sector # 10, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230

Contact Person : Md. Shahidul Islam, Team Leader, Education Sector

E-mail : shahid@ahsaniamission.org.bd, shahid.dam@gmail.com,

Action Labor Migration Project Implementation

Project Introduction:
Human resources are considered as prime mover to support sustainable development in the context of rapid globalization. If appropriate measures are taken development of human resources to meet the demand in different contexts, the current distribution pattern of skilled and unskilled population between developing and developed countries can be an opportunity for a balanced global development. Bangladesh has positioned in the global market with potentiality of human resources and has been providing skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled people for last three decades. The trend has been slow and the numbers are limited comparing to the availability of human resources in the country, because of absence of a comprehensive plan for development human resources for the overseas market and limited opportunities for skills development corresponding to overseas market demand. Despite this, the remittance transfers received from these migrant workers have reached a phenomenal level of over 10 billion US dollar in 2009, approximately 12 percent of GDP in Bangladesh. (Source: Mamun and Nath, 2010)
Keeping that in mind Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) with support from ILO has been proposed to creating a model of linking community development and social services to the migrants in the destination country and them and their families in Bangladesh. Through providing basic training support to potential unskilled migrant workers preferably women from marginalized families in remote rural areas to enable their access to overseas employment and care wellbeing of the left-behind families. Provide need based orientation on overseas decent employment and working conditions to the skilled and semi skilled male and female migrant workers. Establish a follow up and monitoring mechanism in the country of destination facilitating protection of migrant workers from possible abuses and breaches in their working contracts
Therefore, in response to the demand of overseas market, determined through market research and contacts, if skilled human resource is developed and placed judiciously in the overseas market, Bangladesh would further be able to increase its foreign remittance, with probability to become the highest, thus ultimately contributing to the development of the country. This program of secured employment and safe migration of Bangladeshi skilled human resource is planned to that end to facilitate skills development and job placement of Bangladeshi population in Malaysian and Jordanian market through joint-venture efforts with employing countries, companies and training institutions. The proposed project is developed based on preliminary review of relevant policy and strategic documents of Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia and other overseas countries relating to employment of skilled human resource and consultation with relevant stakeholders.
It may be noted that, there is a recent initiative of opening of the Malaysian government for employment of Bangladeshi nationals through a government to government collaboration approach. A Memorandum of Understanding between two governments is scheduled to be signed to that end very soon. (Source: The Daily Star, Dhaka, 8 June 2012). The second country is planned to be covered under this project is Jordan. In the month of February 2012, Jordan government lifted the restriction for Bangladeshi employees, which created opportunity for Bangladeshi employees to get overseas employment in Jordan. Egypt and Mauritius also have been included in the potential list of countries for the migrant workers, based on the recent trend of employment of foreign national in these countries.
Project Agreement Number: 2012-5356331 &2013-5355574

Overall Objective: To contribute to the Project “Promoting Decent Work through Improved Migration Policy and its Application in Bangladesh”, which aims “To contribute to the sustainable economic and social development of Bangladesh through the creation of decent employment opportunities and the protection of the male and female migrant workers and their family members”.

Specific Objectives:
A. To provide Vocational and life skills training support on Technical, orientation on pre-departure, immigration, living, working and behavioral, language, culture of the destination countries for the potential unskilled migrant workers preferably women from marginalized families in remote rural areas to enable their access to overseas employment and care wellbeing of the left-behind families.
B. To establish a follow up and monitoring mechanism in the country of destination facilitating protection of Bangladeshi migrant workers from possible abuses and breaches in their working contracts by establishing partnerships with counterpart organizations in the countries of destination to provide follow up services.
C. To expand outreach activities of DAM to the potential and returned migrant workers, and their left-behind families of migrant workers to link them with education, health service and give assistance to them for better management of remittances, good investment.

A. 200 unskilled young women provided outreach based life skills and technical training and counseling services for employment in selected countries through government to government employment system.
B. 300 skilled or semi-skilled youth with preference to women get safe job placement in selected countries through government to government employment system.
C. Partnership with counterpart organizations is developed in the countries of destination to provide follow up services to the Bangladeshi migrant workers and the left behind families of the migrant workers living in remote areas of Bangladesh.
D. Three Outreach Migration Advisory and Counseling Centers are established in three project locations providing services to the potential migrant workers and the left behind families of the migrant workers.
E. The left behind families of 500 migrant workers are provided with advisory, counseling services for their economic and social wellbeing.

Project Components:
a)  Provide vocational /Skill & Life skill training support
b)  Establish monitoring mechanism in the country of destination for facilitating protection of Bangladeshi migrants.
c)  Expand outreach activities of DAM to the potential & returned migrant workers and their left-behind families.

Major Activities:

  • Conduct a baseline survey
  • Select migrant workers family
  • Select potential migrant workers
  • Preparation of the final list of beneficiaries
  • Preparation of supplementary list of potential beneficiaries to refill the gap from the primary list
  • Develop district-wise database of the selected potential migrant workers in MACC with detailed profile of the candidates.
  • Organize and provide Pre departure (Life skill) Training for Selected Migrant workers
  • Organize and provide skill Training for Selected Migrant workers
  • Referral of the graduates from courses for interview for recruitment with support from BOESL as per schedule
  • Register the trained potential migrant workers with BOESL
  • Provide necessary follow up support by the counselor through MACCs
  • Organize Information & Counseling Meeting/courtyard meeting/CRC/Ganokenda/CLC/UCLC meeting
  • Organize Issue-based Meeting
  • Community Campaign
  • International Migration Day Observance/
  • Networking Meeting

Project Participants (Direct):





Senior Citizen(61+)















Project Duration:  30 months (Tentatively October 2012 – March 2015)

Financial partner (Donor): SDC, ILO

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:  Dhaka, Jessore & Jamalpur.

Project Budget: In Figures: BDT 80,19,000.00 (Eight million and nineteen thousand only)

Number of project staffs and volunteers :

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer














Contact Person: Md. Modasser Hossain, Project Manager
Email:  masum15.dam@gmail.com , md.modasser@ahsaniamission.org.bd
Cell : 01937-130005

Alternative Learning Programme (ALP)

Project Name: 
Ensuring integrated (Foundational literacy and numeracy; vocational training, psychosocial support and life skills) services for 15-18 years adolescent in the Rohingya camp and host community of Cox’s Bazar Project (ALP).

With the partnership UNICEF and DAM will reach 6,400 adolescents of 15-18 year adolescents with foundational literacy and numeracy, vocational skills and life skills and PSS through 20 Adolescent Multipurpose Centres (AMCs). Among these centres 15 AMCs will be in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar and 5 AMCs will be established in host community of Cox’s Bazar district. This will contribute to UNICEF JRP target and CPD target to reach adolescents with appropriate services in Refugee Camp and Host Community.


Overall Objective:
By 2020, the government and stakeholders in the education sector, at national and subnational level, have increased capacity to expand and deliver quality package of service to keep adolescents in school and/or create alternative pathways for out-of-school adolescent aged 10-18 in emergency and nonemergency situations and urban settings.

Specific Objectives:
Expand and strengthen immediate access to equitable learning opportunities, in a safe and protective environment, for crisis-affected refugee and host community children and youth of 3-24 years.

Project Components:
Foundational literacy and numeracy, Vocational skills and life skills and Vocational/employability soft skills package through 20 Adolescent Multipurpose Centres (AMCs).

Major Activities:

  • Establishment of Adolescent Multipurpose Centres (AMCs);
  • Teacher’s training (Basic, Orientation &Refreshers);
  • Monitoring, mentoring and supervision structure of project activities;
  • Transferable skills which contribute to their economic engagement;
  • Identifying negative coping mechanisms services;
  • Effective emergency preparedness and response capacity and DRR strategies;
  • Capacity building of project staffs and program beneficiary;
  • Social mobilization and community engagement (C4D strategy, action plan and implementation);
  • Strengthening sub-national system (Orientation of government officers and teachers, joint monitoring with education authorities, joint sports with primary schools etc.);
  • Progress review and coordination;

Project Participants (Direct): 6,400 (at least 50% female) adolescent aged 15-18 years;
Project Duration: 1 May 2019 to 30 April 2021;

Financial partner (Donor): UNICEF Bangladesh
Project Location/s and number of Field offices: 20 Adolescent Multipurpose Centres (AMCs). Among these centres 15 AMCs will be in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar and 5 AMCs will be established in host community of Cox’s Bazar district.

Project Budget : BDT: 156,125,242(USD 1,854,723)
Number of project staffs: 112 (Female-54 & Male 58)
Contact Person: ABM Shahab Uddin, Senior Program Manager, ENBC & ALP Projects
Email: damenbcpc@gmail.com , damspm.cxb@gmail.com
Cell: 01824667440

Empowering Adolescent for Social Transformation through Urban Community Learning Center (EAST-UCLC)

Project Introduction:

There are 27.7 million adolescents aged 10-19 years in Bangladesh where 13.7 million girls and 14 million boys. Majority of them come from urban and rural poor disadvantaged families and communities having limited scope for basic education, life-skills education including lack of reproductive health education, awareness creation on their rights and life skills for their self-development, protection and self reliance. Many adolescents migrate from rural to urban areas, work in risky jobs as day laborers, factory workers, transport workers, rickshaw-pullers, domestic servants, hotel boys and garment factory workers. Due to the family needs of supplementary income many adolescent girls and boys are deprived of education. In view of the practical situation Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been providing non formal education to children of different age groups through community learning centers since 1995. The current EAST-UCLC (Empowering Adolescents for Social Transformation through Urban Community Learning Center) project is implemented at Mirpur, Dhaka.

Project Agreement Number: NA

Overall Objective:

  • To offer alternative educational opportunities of the junior secondary level for the un-enrolled and school drop outs and working children.
  • To facilitate mainstreaming of the junior secondary graduates in higher classes
  • To provide employable vocational skills to those who will not continue education
  • To sensitize community, parents, employers to eliminate hazardous child labor.
  • Build community ownership and capacity in slum areas of Dhaka city for sustainability of the program.

Specific Objectives:

  • To provide second chance non formal Junior Secondary Education for the dropped out and out of school adolescent boys and girls for continuing of education through mainstreaming in higher classes.
  • To establish networking with Community Based Organizations and Adolescent Developed Forum (ADF) through which the adolescents will be able to raise their voice for their issues and create access to the services
  • To increase income and employment opportunities through vocational training for the elderly girls and boys and their family members who will not continue education after completion of JSE
  • To empower the adolescents of poor families and enhancing their capabilities through life skills education for becoming agents of social transformation, particularly, for the desired changes in their situation


  • By conducting survey at least 90% of adolescents are organized for development functions.
  • At least 80% adolescents have competency for fluent reading, writing and calculation
  • 50% adolescents are continuing in higher classes in the mainstream education system.
  • At least 60% adolescents and their guardians engaged in employments and income generation activities
  • Good practices will be documented.
  • Community contribution will be increased for sustainability of program.

Project Components:

Primary & JSC (Education of Junior Secondary and Primary level (Class-III-VIII) )

Major Activities:

  • Children enrolment and conduct session
  • Complete birth registration
  • Complete  PSC & JSC registration and attend examination
  • Formation CMC Committee, ADF Committee, CRC Committee
  • Organization building, awareness creation and capacity and asset development for empowerment;
  • Mainstreaming in higher classes, life skills education and vocational skills training support;
  • Reproductive health & primary health education and care support through linkage.
  • Income generating activities (Self employments);
  • Social mobilization, networking with various service providing agencies.
  • Documentation of good practices and advocacy at regional and national level;
  • Community contribution and ownership building for sustainability and replication of the good practices;
  • Day observation national and international

Project Participants (Direct):





Senior Citizen(61+)






















Project Duration: January 2013 to December 2017

Financial partner (Donor): DAM-UK Charity

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: House-13, Road-25, Block-D,

Section-10, Parish Road, Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1216

Project Budget: BDT: 19,934,841.00/

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer













Contact Person:Prosanto David Shadukha, Project Coordinator

Email: pd.shadukha@ahsaniamission.org.bd, dprosanto@yahoo.com