
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Building Water & Sanitation Entrepreneurship Program

Project Introduction:
Max Building Water & Sanitation Entrepreneurship Program is an integrated Project that ‘Building Water Business’ aims to empower male and female entrepreneurs and strengthen business solutions that provide safe water and adequate sanitation to underserved populations, and to reinforce and create new Healthy Villages in Patuakhali and Khulna zones. Continues to put WASH at the heart of community-led efforts to reduce levels of diarrhoea and other water-and fecal-borne diseases to contribute and better child health, towards ending infant and child deaths. The Project is working with communities, local government, local entrepreneurs, and partners in the South Coastal areas of Bangladesh to achieve sustainable access to safe water, hygienic sanitation and good hygiene practices for all in the Project areas. Dhaka Ahsania Mission is implementing in 12 (Twelve) Unions under 4 (Four) Upazilas of the Patuakali zone (Patuakhali, Barishal & Barguna). The project areas are: Under Bakergonj Upazila: Unions- Bharpasha, Rangashree, and Padrishippur, Under Bauphal Upazila: Unions- Bauphal, Kanakdia, Boga, and Daspara. Under Amtoli Upazila: Unions- Atharogasia, Kukua, and Gulishakhali under Galachipa Upazila: Unions- Chiknikandi and Dakua.

Project Agreement Number:

Specific Objectives:

  • Empowered and aware customers invest in affordable and safe water and sanitation products and services
  • Entrepreneurs increase the supply (and use) of safely managed water and sanitation products and service
  • Stakeholders improve the enabling environment for business solutions
  • Learning on water and sanitation products and services for future market development

Outcome-1: Empowered and aware customers invest in affordable and safe water and sanitation products and services

Intermediate Outcome-1: 412,000 people (50% women and girls) have improved hygiene behavior, including handwashing

Major Activities

  • Community Situation Analysis and ignited the community with child stunting data
  • Formation and re-activation of Community Support Group and Courtyard Group
  • Sensitization meeting with Different stakeholders
  • Awareness session on improved hygienic behaviors and different issues at community level
  • Awareness session on improved hygienic behaviors and different issues at school level
  • Monthly and quarterly measurement of height and weight of U2 and U5 children and update growth card
  • Participatory Graduation monitoring and change analysis for pipe water

Intermediate Outcome 1.2:
Women have more voice in decision-making on water and sanitation choices

Major Activities

  • Participatory Gender Role Assessment and identify the potential women leader
  • Workshop to design the PGRA methodology and guideline
  • Training of PNGOs staff & JPMU Team on gender transformative action plan
  • Demand Creation Session with Women (young and adult for piped water and other WASH & Hygiene Product) (Voice raising, decision making and leadership for WASH market)
  • Develop community gender action plan for water management through Courtyard session

Long- term Outcome 2:
Entrepreneurs increase supply (and use) of safely managed water and sanitation products and services

Major Activities

  • Installation of Cluster Piped water Scheme
  • Installation of improved hygienic latrine by HH own cost
  • Installation of Women Bathing Chamber (WBC) by HHs own cost
  • Installation of Maxi Basin by HH own cost at dinning place/ HH premises
  • Installation of Maxi Basin/ hand washing device by HH own cost at HH latrine
  • Participatory mapping for potential piped network and WASH services

Intermediate Outcome 2.1:
291,000 people use safely managed water or sanitation products and services (including 35,500 people using piped water)”

Major Activities

  • Selection and registration of potential entrepreneurs
  • Support entrepreneur to strengthen business model development
  • Capacity building of entrepreneurs for product development and marketing
  • Develop web application to manage association membership
  • Periodic meeting with Entrepreneurs association
  • Quarterly meeting with private company/whole seller for product supply linkage

Intermediate Outcome 2.2:
Entrepreneur-led water and sanitation business solutions are available in the local market”

Major Activities

  • Selection and registration of potential entrepreneurs
  • Support entrepreneur to strengthen business model development
  • Capacity building of entrepreneurs for product development and marketing
  • Develop web application to manage association membership
  • Periodic meeting with Entrepreneurs association
  • Quarterly meeting with private company/whole seller for product supply linkage

Long-term Outcome 3: Stakeholders improve the enabling environment for business solutions

Intermediate Outcome 3.1:
Private sector engagement in WASH business is raised on the agenda of government and   finance institutions”

Major Activities

  • Workshop with private sector people to identify challenges, opportunity and future in WASH sector investment at District and National level
  • Workshops with MFIs and FIs to identify challenges and opportunities at national and at district level
  • Facilitate UP to develop citizen charter regarding piped water business and setting standards for quality control and business safeguard

Long-term Outcome 4:
Innovations for safe water and sanitation are created and market-ready”

Intermediate Outcome 4.1: Knowledge sharing on water and sanitation technologies and ideas to sharpen the market

Major Activities

  • Research the potential to expand piped water services to new areas
  • Exploration study on blended financing mechanisms for water business expansion
  • Documenting and disseminating learnings (national and international)

Implementation Strategies

  • Create and Declare Healthy Village
    • Entrepreneur led
    • Union Parishad declares Healthy Village
  • Entrepreneurial, supporting market-based solutions to development challenges
    • Incentivize model for entrepreneurs’ association
    • Association based
    • Registered entrepreneurs
    • Ward-based entrepreneurs
  • Innovation and data-driven
    • Data-driven: moving from statistics to analytics
    • Innovation (products & approaches)

Project Participants (Direct):

Children (0-10)

Adolescent (11-17)

Youth (18-25)

Adult (26-60)

Senior Citizen (61+)





















Project Duration: 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2025

Financial partner (Donor): Max foundation.NL

Implementing partner (if any): N/A

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Patuakhali.

Project Budget:  BDT 35,110,419 (In words: Three crore Fifty-one lac Ten thousand Four hundred Nineteen)-only.

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer









Contact Person:
Project Manager, BW&SE Program, Email: