
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Project Introduction: Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been implementing Amader Fulbaria Project-AFP with the technical assistance and financial support from Water aid Bangladesh under its Wash in small Town program to improve the WaSH situation in the Fulbaria Municipality area. The main objective of the project is to establish a sustainable service delivery model developed to increase access to WASH of the people living in Fulbaria Paurashava through building capacity of the Paurashavas and other service providers influencing toward pro-poor policy; and increase investments for WSS. The project provides both hardware and software activities through promoting WaSh services to the hardcore people and covered all wards for establishing some evocative policy.

Project Agreement Number: WAB/CT/10-11/p-04/DAM

Overall Objective: By the end of the project a sustainable service delivery model develop to increase access to WASH of the people living in Fulbaria pourashava through building capacity of the pourashava and other service providers influencing towards pro-poor policy and increase investments for WSS

Specific Objectives:

  • Devising a model of sustainable service delivery by the pourashava council to increase access to WASH of the people.
  • Enhancing capacity of the pourashava council to respond to demands of the citizen specially and the disadvantaged.
  • Empowerment of the community people to place demand for sustainable water supply and environmental sanitation service to the pourashava and other service providers.
  • Community behavior change in promoting hygiene and sanitation situation
  • Influencing policy/strategy and institutional reforms to each access to water and sanitation service for the urban people.


  • Pourashava council has a master plan and coordination mechanism among the relevant service providers to implement joint implementation strategy
  • Pourashava council is skilled to prepare participatory integrated planning, budgeting management and monitoring
  • Community people are aware about their citizen rights and basic needs on sanitation as living of pourashava
  • Community people are aware about water safety plan
  • Engage with the district sanitation taskforce and key partner agency for sharing lesson learned.

Project Components:

  • Water
  • Sanitation
  • Hygiene promotion

Major Activities:

  • Formation of Poura Hardware Implementation Advisory Committee-PHITAC
  • Ward wise Parchase and Implementación Committee-PIC formation & training
  • Develop a WASH monitoring system through a workshop
  • Develop a WASH data base in Pourashava
  • Training to poura parishad & conservancy team
  • Provide WASH support to community, public place & school
  • Conduct hygiene session at community & school
  • Assist to conducted ward level pre-budget & open budget session
  • Training & meeting of para committee on WASH rights
  • Community mobilization program, campaign on rights issue, day observation
  • Survey for house for household level hand washing situation
  • Ensure installation of hand washing device at household level
  • WASH training to school teacher
  • Training of water & sanitation option caretaker
  • Ignition sessions community against open defecation
  • Sanitation law implement through Pourashava
  • Different latrine technology presentation for motivation

Project Participants (Direct):

Particulars Targeted beneficiary
Sanitation 20265
Water 12600
Hygiene 20265

Project Duration: September, 2010 to July, 2017

Financial partner (Donor): Water Aid Bangladesh

Implementing partner (if any): No, only Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) implementing

Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Fulbaria Pouroshova, Fulbaria, Mymenshingh.

Project Budget: Total BDT= 36,359,557.00

Number of project staffs and volunteers: Male-8 & Female 2

Contact Person: Laboni Shabnom, Program Coordinator

Email:, Cell: 01715401979