
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Project Introduction: 
The ACCESS-CAFOD-II project of DAM supported by CAFOD-UK has been implementing since March 2011. ACCESS-CAFOD-II project being implemented for creating an enabling environment to increase access of vulnerable and marginalized groups, in particular women, children and fishermen to quality public resources and services. This project has been implementing in two upazilla of Barguna district named Barguna Sador and Amtoli. This project follows rights based approach by facilitating opportunities to participations, decision- making and upholding the choice of the people. The project’s basis is to facilitate a process strengthening the analytical skills of problem solving. The Ganokendra’s (Peoples’ Organization) are becoming the main platform to organize people and remain as problem solver.
Under the project a number of adolescent forum were formed. Some activities have been undertaken to make the adolescent as future good and responsible citizen. A number of Life Skills training have already been offered to the adolescent boys and girls. These adolescent groups played a very vital role with support from community people to protest against all forms of violence against women and girl child.
Moreover, Barguna is one the regions in the country which has already been affected badly by the climatic change consequences. A number of people have become environmental refugee due to adverse affect of climate change. Besides, special attention is also needed for socially excluded and extreme poor families who have been facing challenges in their daily life and livelihood.
Goal and Objective:
Goal: Creating an enabling environment to increase access of vulnerable and marginalized groups, in particular, women, adolescents, and children, fisherman, socially excluded and environmentally refugee to quality public resources and services
The specific objectives: 

  • To institutionalize the Ganokendra and initiated a phase forward for the them towards sustainability
  • To capacitate adolescent forums with life skills options and to encourage them to work as social mobilizer to prevent violence against women and girls
  • To provide training and livelihood support to the climate refugee and other and other dis-advanced groups of community to claim their rights and increase access to the basic services and rights to improve theit living conditions
  • To make available the ICT facilities at the CRC/MCRC which could be work as information and communication hub for the rural people allowing increased access to information
  • To scale up the Ganokendra institutions in the nearby Upazillas for broader solidarity and raising voice of the disadvantaged for their rights
  • To strengthen the local coping mechanism to increase adaptability of the impact of the climate change reduce the risk of disaster vulnerability

Outputsà Resultsà Outcome:

Output 1 : Ganokendra as peoples’ organization institutionalized, scaled up and phase forwarded for sustainability.
Output 2 : Organized Adolescents, (especially girls) Life Skills improved  and contributed for social change
Output 3 : Institutional accountability of the service providers  (public and private) increased and service delivery system improved to reach deserving people
Output 4 : Choice and opportunities of improved living condition of the disadvantaged people under Ganokendra increased
Output 5 : Social use of ICT widened and peoples’ right to information established
Output 6   Community capacity of coping mechanism strengthened to reduce disaster risk  and vulnerability
Output 7 : Lessons learned and good practices documented, disseminated and use for pro-poor policy advocacy for development

Who the project will serve/is serving (gender disaggregated data if possible by category of recipients)
Women- 7950      Men- 2650,    Adolescent girls- 1060,    Adolescent boys- 530
Project Duration: March 2011 to February 2014
Start date: 01 March 2011
Financial partner (Donor): CAFOD-UK
Project Location/s and number of Field offices: 01 (One)
Budget with annual breakup:
1st Year: 4,800,943.00
2nd Year: 4,528,878.00
3rd Year: 4,061,257.00
Number of project staffs and volunteers : Project Staffs- 11 nos., Volunteers- 53 nos.

Contact Person   : Abdur Rakib, Project Coordinator
E-mail                     :,
Cell                          : 01758-939678