
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Thikana (Shelter Home) Home for Children & Women Victims and Survivors

Introduction: DAM has undertaken various measures against trafficking in women and children since 1997. Over last two decades DAM implemented a number of projects/program offering services to the community for prevention and also providing rescue, repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation services to the survivors of trafficking and unsafe labor migration. Jashore is situated in the border area in the south-western part of Bangladesh which is known to be a major route to cross boarder trafficking and labor migration. DAM has established and runs a shelter homes in 1997 in its own constructed two storied building located at Vecutia in the outskirt of Jashore town. The main aim is to develop and rehabilitate the victims/survivors (children, women and men) of violence, human trafficking and illegal labor migration. It has the capacity to accommodate 60 survivors and victims of those who are rescued, repatriated and referred to shelter home for rehabilitation and reintegration in the family and community and also provide a wide range of services to fulfill their needs and rights.

DAM has been implementing a number of projects addressing prevention, protection, rescue, repatriation, providing shelter home package supports and rehabilitation services to the survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence and illegal labor migrations in Bangladesh. The projects were supported by EU, Cord Aid, UNODC, World Vision, Winrock International and Plan International Bangladesh. Through the shelter home DAM offers a package of supports and services including safe shelter, food, counseling education, recreation etc. For economic rehabilitation DAM provides entrepreneurship development and economic empowerment supports to the rescued victims. The development goal is to help the survivors regain their normal social and family life.

Goal :
To improve the life of the survivors/victims through rescue, referral, safe shelter, rehabilitation and reintegration in the family and community.


  • To ensure the safety of the survivors by creating a survivor friendly environment.
  • To offer rehabilitation and development services through accommodation, food, health, education, counseling, vocational training
  • To increase the self-esteem of the survivors by providing life skill training, formal and non-formal education support.
  • To increase capacity of GO/NGO stakeholders and service providers (staff) for ensuring quality services.
  • To increase an enabling environment in the community for successfully integration of the survivors.

Specific Objectives: To ensure the safety of the survivors rehabilitation and development services through food, health, education, counseling, vocational training etc. To increase an enabling in the community for successfully re-integration of the survivors.

  • To receive and enroll the survivors at the shelter home
  • To ensure the safety of the survivors by creating a survivor friendly environment at the shelter home.
  • To launch outreach work for rescue, repatriation, referral services
  • To offer rehabilitation and development services through transit accommodation, food, health, education, counseling, vocational training and job placements;
  • To increase the self-esteem of the survivors by providing life skill training, formal and non-formal education support.
  • To increase capacity of GO/NGO stakeholders and service providers (staff) for ensuring quality services.
  • To increase an enabling environment in the community for successfully integration of the survivors.
  • Launch networking, partnership and local advocacy for strengthening prevention, rescue, repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration services.
  • Launch networking, partnership and local advocacy for strengthening prevention, rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration services.

45 survivors rescue, 02 survivors job placement, 15 survivor’s life skill training, 03 survivors vocational training (Beauty parlor), 10 survivors legal support, 45 survivors family re-integration:

  • Trafficked victim survivors rescued
  • provided services to the trafficked victim survivors
  • Survivors basic needs ensure
  • DAM continued cooperation and collaboration with the project secretariat at UNODC office and with other partners
  • Trafficked victim survivors received medical and psychiatric check-up and treatment
  • Survivors received proper food and shelter staying period at shelter Home as well as connect with legal and other procedures
  • Trafficked victim survivors got enterpraunership training for economical empowerment and to earn sustainable livelihood.

Project Components

  • Basic support to survivors
  • Linkage/Advocacy/Networking
  • Community Outreach Activities
  • Different Training

Major Activities: survivors rescue, to serve them safe shelter, food, health support, counseling, vocational training, life skill training, family re-integration, follow up etc.

  • Safe shelter, food, clothing
  • Individual, group and family counseling
  • Life skill training session
  • Non formal education
  • Formal & distance learning education
  • Issue based awareness session
  • Indoor & outdoor games
  • TV movie watching
  • Event organization (within SH)
  • Vocational training
  • Job placement
  • Market oriented livelihood support
  • Business setup support
  • Reintegration to the families
  • Primary medical Screening
  • Legal counseling
  • Legal education and prosecution support
  • Monthly & quarterly follow-up
  • Provide need based support
  • Community mobilization

Thikana (Shelter Home) Management: The Shelter Home is managed under the DAM Right & Governance Sector’s Institution. The existing staff are: Shelter Home Manager, Home Mothers, Counselor, Paramedic, Lawyer and other support staff e.g. cook, security guards and the cleaner are now working run day to day affairs. The site and field staff are guided by Programme Coordinator based in the Dhaka head office who is directly reportable to the Executive Director for all activities. Donor liaison and contacts are made by both the Executive Director and the Programme Coordinator.

Networking & Partnership: The shelter home management has built and continuing networking partnership relationship at local and national levels for rescue, repatriation and rehabilitation of the survivors. DAM maintains a close liaison and contacts with the relevant government Ministries and Departments and non-government organizations like Rights Jashore, World vision, Winrock International, Missing Child Alert project & UNODC project to strengthen its services to the enrolled survivors in the Shelter Home.

Linkage to the service providing agencies: Shelter home management has developed wider working linkage with local organization, institution, business and commercial firms, civil society organizations, Union Parished, Upuzila Parishad, local community leader including legal aid lawyers in advancing the rights and legal protection of the enrolled survivors. This institutional supports through linkages provides the survivor a strong moral support and sense of belongings in the development process. Under the process the survivor become empowered for their own development and rehabilitations.

Contact Person: Sk. Mahabbat Hossen, Team Leader, Rights and Governance Sector
Email: | Mobile: +880 1716054610