Project Name: Scale-up of Early-Learning and Informal Basic Education Programme for Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nations (FDMN) 4-14 years’ children in Bangladesh through establishing 450 LCs.
Project Introduction:
The Rohingya’s are now stateless Muslim minority in Bangladesh from Myanmar. The latest exodus began on 25 August 2017, when violence broke out in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. Myanmar’s military forces have cracked down on the Rohingya minority through the use of extreme violence. Myanmar’s army has come after them with machine guns, firing from helicopters, and resorted to using mines and machetes. Brutally murdering, raping and burning down their homes, sparing no one—women, the elderly and children. The killing, arson, torture and rape of Rohingya people by the Myanmar military is an unprecedented incident in the history of the world. Violence titled as a textbook example of ethnic cleansing globally.
The Children are more vulnerable here because they have been gone through a terrible experience. They are deeply traumatized, under so much stress, that need Psychosocial counseling to release their trauma and perhaps later, if they are lucky, to let it go. Such a large number of children without support are extremely vulnerable. FDMN children were already educationally marginalized in pre-crisis and this crisis has further increased their educational marginalization, and disrupted children’s access to educational opportunities. Considering the gravity of the situation, DAM is planning to set up Early Learning and Non-Formal Basic Education Centre’s that is mostly focusing on early grade learning, basic literacy, numeracy, life-saving information, psychosocial support and life skills for the children of PFRM community. DAM will follow the curriculum framework of UNICEF in these centres and will review the effectiveness of the implementation mechanism periodically. The problem is occurred all on a sudden and in no way Bangladesh was prepared to take such a huge number of people fled away from a neighbouring country. So, it was never been linked to the national priority.
Project Agreement Number: BCO/ PCA /2017/057-2018/001 (Amendment: 3rd phase)
Overall Objective:
- By 2020, the quality of integrated service delivery and effective coverage have been strengthened in national and sub-national education systems to support the well-being of children under 5 years and their mothers, in emergency and non-emergency situations, including urban.
- By 2020, national and sub-national education systems have the technical, management and financial capacities to provide high-quality learning services to girls and boys, including children with disabilities, children in hard-to-reach areas, urban and in emergency and non-emergency situations.
Specific Objectives:
- By November 2018, Early Learning and Non-Formal Basic Education Learning Centres are established for the FDMN children in spontaneous and makeshift settlements in Ukhiya & Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar.
- By November 2018, 200 learning centres are delivering quality early learning and basic education services to 21,000 children.
- By November 2018, an accountable supervision, coordination and support structure is in place to keep the education programme operational for FDMN.
- By November 2018, effective emergency preparedness and response capacity and strategies are in place.
- FDMN communities are engaged and aware about their responsibilities in education through C4D in Emergency interventions
- 200 Number of learning centres established with physical facilities, learning materials
- 8400 Number of children enrolled in early learning classes;
- 12600 Number of children enrolled in non-formal basic education classes;
- 200 Number of teachers recruited and trained;
- 100 Number of Burmese Language Instructors recruited and trained
Project Components:
Early Learning, Non-Formal Basic Education
Major Activities:
- Establish 200 temporary & 200 semi-permanent Learning Centers as per agreed design.
- Making necessary classroom start-up and teaching learning materials available for 200 LCs.
- WASH facilities for learning centers.
- Training of Teachers and Instructors.
- Capacity building of Project staffs and LCMC and coordination and networking.
- Emergency preparedness and response.
- 200 Number of Learning Centre Management Committees formed;
Project Participants (Direct):
21,000 forcibly Displaced Myanmar National’s children of age 4-14 years. At least 50% of the target population will be girls.
Children (0-10) |
Adolescent (11-17) |
Youth (18-25) |
Adult (26-60) |
Senior Citizen (61+) |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
18,918 |
16,407 |
30,710 |
13,540 |
– |
– |
Project Duration: November 2017 to December 2020
Financial partner (Donor): UNICEF Bangladesh
Implementing partner (if any): Not Applicable
Project Location/s and number of Field offices: Ukhiya and Teknaf Cox’s Bazar, (Three field Offices in Ukhiya)
Project Budget: BDT 4,65,38,817.00
Number of project staffs and volunteers:
Staff (Regular) |
Paid Volunteer |
Non-Paid Volunteer |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
73 |
9 |
452 |
436 |
– |
– |
Contact Person:
Name & Designation: Md. Hanef Ali, Project Central Person
Email:, Cell: 01716422629