
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)

Project Name: Muugbean Value Chain Development Project
Increase Income of Farmer’s through Mung bean cultivation with modern technology.

Project Introduction:
Increase Income of Farmer’s through Mung bean cultivation with modern technology project implement by DAM Foundation for Economic Development (DFED) at BargunaSadarUpazil, Barguna District under Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project of PKSF. PACE project funded by IFAD.
DAM Foundation for Economic Development has been implementing “Muugbean Value Chain Development Project” with the financial assistance of PKSF at BargunaSadarUpazila under Barguna District since 2016. With a view to promoting safe vegetables for consumers through developing capacity of vegetables farmers, the project has been implementing. The project focuses on selected crops like Mungbean to promote the variety “BARI-6” at community level. The project will be implemented with three years period since 2016. During 2016-17, 102 master trainers trained under this project. Later on, they provided training to 3000 farmers. The key factors of the training were seed selection, fertilizer application, weeding and irrigation, pest control and management and post-harvest management. 3000 farmers provided training separately on each factor. The project established twenty demonstration plots at project location. The project also observed twenty farmers Field Day. The project signed accord with a Japanese Company named GrameenEuglana to export the “BARI-6”. As a significant achievement, the project exported farmers produced five-ton Mungbean to Japan during this period.
Project Agreement Number: Not Applicable

Overall Objective:
Increase Income of Farmer’s through Mung bean and vegetable cultivation with modern technology

Specific Objectives:

  • To improve skill & knowledge of Farmers by mung bean cultivation.
  • To increase production of mung bean through technology transfer to farmers.
  • To assist the quality agriculture inputs to available the mung bean farmers.
  • To expand the marketing or new field of production of Mungbean

At the end of the project:

  • 60% of assets will increase entrepreneurs.
  • 85% mug farmers will be able to use modern technology and improved management.
  • 60% production of Mungbean will be increased.
  • 75% of the new  area  will be interested in peasant farming BARI-6 Mungbean
  • Mungbean farmers to cultivate new BARI-6 varieties of  50%.
  • 100 master trainers/Local service provider will be prepared
  • 3000 mung bean farmers will be received skills training and 600 summer vegetable farmers will be received skills training.
  • 6 Bed Planter (Seed sowing machine) financing will be buying.
  • The demonstration will be set up in plots of 60 varieties of BARI-6
  • BARI -6 mung bean and summer vegetable farming income and expenditure account over 3600 data cards will be made.
  • BARI-6 Mungbean and summer vegetable to grow the program will be created 3600 new card.

Project Components: Training, BARI-06 Mungbean cultivation, Use of Bed Planter, Homestead gardening, Demo plot and Field day.

Major Activities:

  • Startup workshop
  • Linkage workshop (Input & Output actors)
  • Develop the local service provider (Master trainer)
  • Training on mung bean cultivation through modern technology ( 5 key learning session)
  • Training on home vegetable cultivation
  • Demo plot of BARI-06 mung bean and vegetable
  • Cross visit for mung bean farmers
  • Bed planter transfer for seed sowing
  • To prepare the Mungbean& vegetable cultivation

Project Participants (Direct):





Senior Citizen(61+)













Project Duration: November 2016 to June 2020 (Ext. November 2020)

Financial partner (Donor): PKSF & IFAD

Implementing partner (if any): Not Applicable

Project Location/s and number of Field offices:  SadarUpazila, Barguna and number of Field Offices: 03

Project Budget BDT: Tk.10,660,000.00 (PKSF-Tk. 94,51,000 and DFED-12,09,000)

Number of project staffs and volunteers:

Staff (Regular)

Paid Volunteer

Non-Paid Volunteer








Contact Person:

Name & Designation: Md.NiamulKabir, Project Coordinator
Email: niamulkbr@yahoo.comCell:01811480006, 01721130905